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"YES!" Ten yelled in happiness as he got out of the classroom with his friend Hendery, they're kinda close since that birthday prank "Final exams are over!!" Ten giggled and playfully shaked the now annoyed Hendery.

"Ya! Ya! Are you sure you passed?" Hendery asked.

"Of course!" Ten confidently said as they continue to walk on the hallways towards the cafeteria, for lunch.

"How about in English?" Hendery asked, making Ten gulp as nervousness took over him after hearing that question.

"Well.." He said, he took a deep breath and smiled "Johnny taught me everything I need to know so, I'm sure I'll pass" He added.

"T-ten?" a small nerdy girl came to him and handed a piece of paper, Ten was confused then took the paper. The girl immidiately ran away. Ten didn't bother, he and Hendey just continued to walk.

After a few minutes "Ten?" a boy with thick glasses came to him and also handed a piece of paper and ran away. He looked at the two pieces, ot looked like a puzzle.





More students came to him and handed him a piece of paper, just like the first two.

"Ten" this time it's Jaehyun, he also handed a piece of paper, Ten looked at all the piece and realized that what Jaehyun gave to him is the last piece, amd the figure is weird "Don't put it together yet" Jaehyun said and winked at the boy before walking away.

As they were approaching the cafeteria, Ten is feeling both exciyement and nervousness.

"Ten, I need to pee, you go first" Hendery excused himself, the boy didn't wait for Ten's answer and just left.

Ten walked slowly....

As he was about to enter..

"Stop!" Yuta stopped him "Put it together" Yuta said, pointing at the pieces of paper.

Ten put them together and the figure was a half of a heart?

"Eh?" Ten said confused.

"Now go inside" Yuta said, and smiled at the boy.

Ten opened the cafeteria door and...

"CHITTAPON LEECHAIYAPORNKUL!" it was Johnny, standing in the middle, shouting his full name.

Ten was shocked, he just stood there and waited for what to happen next.

"It has been a long time since I first met you, at first I was just your tutor and a stranger, a schoolmate. But what have you done? Your too much cuteness must not be legalized. You made me fall for you every single day, single hour, single minute, single second that we meet" Johnny said, he has a microphone by the way, he walked towards Ten, and then....

"H-hey stand up!" Ten said with tears falling from his eyes.

"Don't cry" Johnny stated "Will you, Chittapon Leechaiyapornkul, be my boyfriend?" Johnny asked.

"OF COURSE!" Ten shouted and pulled Johnny up for a long, romantic kiss.

"I LOVE YOU!" Johnny shouted with his microphone when they're done kissing.

"I love y-you too!" Ten said still crying from happiness.

The students around clapped and shouted in support.


not an ending, stay calm!

OMGSJSHSJAJSJ i wrote this while making a project LOL

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