Multi-verse 13

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Latte smiled. "Well.." she blushed a little and giggled. "This ones a bit, heated yet cute, but not really child friendly so i take Eri and kota out" she says excitedly, while clicking her fingers so they where in the playroom. Denki perked up at that "What and who is about?" he asked. Causing latte to smirk at a certain shark boy. "In this one, Deku is a angel, though God banished him down to the underworld, because deku wanted to know what love is" she carries on. "Though when he falls he finds kirshima" she says happily. Making mina gasp with joy "This is going to be so cute! I can already tell!!" Latte nodded "i agree~" and with that she clicked play.

Angel deku

"i mean if we're honest Midorya is a angel already" Todoroki says. Which makes bakugo grumble and kick the bi coloured haired chair. Izuku got a bright colour on his cheeks and sank down.

Izuku stood there, petite and cute. He had a curved frame which was hidden by his white gown, two huge white wings stuck into his shoulder blades. His eyes shined there green, though with innocence and compassion. As well as his chubby freckled cheeks.

"Nice wings kid" hawks complimented. Causing izuku to gasp "May i have your autograph?!" he says with excited eyes. Making the class roll there eyes. Endevor raised his hand "i can-" Izuku stared daggers at him. "Uh no thanks." Before sitting back down. Which caused the todoroki's to wheeze.

He was seen all happily walking behind someone huge. Hinting towards it being God. Before he was seen drapped across the floor, him curlled up and crying softly. Flashing to him in a cage, his hand stretched out begging for forgiveness. His face terrfied for his punishment. Not long after, the cage door slowly opened. Making izuku become wary, slowly stepping out cautiously. His right wing stiffened showing a pained face. Before he fell through the clouds. Him screaming and trying to flap his wings but they wouldn't budge. His face darkened as he fell from the shadows.

"Poor Deku-kun." Uruka spoke with a pout. Deku smiles "Its oki don't worry! i assume i find kirishima soon!" He says happily. Making the certain red head to blush and smile at the greenette cuteness. Making denki punch his shoulder playfully and wiggle his brow. Bakugo growling unpleased.

After the great fall, the angel landed on the ground. It felt hotter down there. He was infront of some rubble of a decaying building. With a grunt he slowly got up and peeped around the corner to see a red head male. He was wearing a lever jacket that supported his huge bat like wings. His eyes a blood red and his smile wide. Before he glanced at izuku, who quickly hid away and cowered away. Curling up in a protective ball for his own saftey. His hands curlled together, closing his eyes tightly as if he was praying.
Kirishima slowly approached the trembling boy and smiled. Showing a kind face and offered his hand, which slowly cupped the little chubby cheek. Making izuku look up with shock, though leaned close for more of it.

Kirshima was blushing his head off. He hid his face behind his hands and was smiling widely. The father figures glared to the red head and the simps puffed.

The screen switched to Izuku naked, only being able to see to his top half. Blushed and a face full of pleasure. His arms wraping around kirishima who was ontop him, covering the angel with tender kisses. It switched to izuku sitting on his lap, his hands running through the demons hair and head resting against his chest. An attractive sweat rolling along his slender body. Izuku lifted himself up and kissed kirshima deeply, before he pulled away. Showing a suductive cute smirk.

Kirishima eyes widened and was blushing his head off. Littrally he was fanning himself down. While Izuku was blushing hard amd hiding into hid arms. They where both getting teased by the theater, except from the villians, simps and father figures of course.

The screen fades to them both sitting down on the bed. Izuku shy and covered by a blanket and kirshima wearing some trackies and shirtless. Izuku had a flash back of why he was sent down here, before he felt the bat wing wrap around his body and pull him close. Making the greenette blush and smile softly. Leaning into the touch. Which made kirishima get a little blush.
He flashes back to him in angel, looking up at God. The rest of the angels praising and cheering for said Lord. While he stood back, dropping a worshiping book as well as his chain. It than flashes to when izuku right wing got ripped off as a punishment. Making him cry and try crawl away from the head man. Blood covering his white goan. Before it flashed back to God returning his wing, and being thrown into a cage. Him looking weak and hurt.

Tokoyami puffed and dark shadow seemed to be crying into the birds shoulder. "Thats to dark.." he mutterer. Causing everyone to agree.

Though- the screen changed back to a happy sparkling Izuku eyes. Looking around with star shaped eyes. While kirshima smiled and clicked his fingers, causing izuku wings to disappear as well as his. Making izuku, smile with shock. He was wearing some shorts and a hoodie that covered the shorts. All excited. They seemed to be in the human world, showing the tall buildings and parks. Kirshima wraped his arm around deku slender shoulders, leading him on his first date. Deku looked nervous yet excited at the same time. Before his eyes sparkled with excitment, which warmed the demons heart. He softly took izuku's smol hand and gave him a eskimo kiss. Which Deku returned with a soft blush. Before the screen flashed to show Kirshima and deku in a aquarium looking at a shark, making deku looked with wide innocent happy eyes. Before deku turned to him and said "Kirshima is like a shark!" he says with bright happy eyes. Which made kirshima pull a un amused look.

The theater laughed at Izuku words. "i take that as a compliment, its manly!" Kirshima spoke happily. Which made deku blush and smile happily.

It than shows them in the gift shop by the teddy bears. Izuku gave some huge puppy dog eyes, asking if he could have the shark plushie. Kirshima soon caved in and bought the plushie for him. Which izuku blushed and softly snuggling close to the plushie, hearts and flowers pratically bouncing off of him while linking Kirshima's arms as they happily walked away.

Latte smiles warmly at the scene. "What did you guys think?" he asked. Which made Mina and the invisable scream. "IT WAS ADORABLEEEE" which made people laugh at there excitment. Latte nodded. "Indeed~" before she searched for the next one.

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