☆ Chapter 19: Obito Confesses Time! ☆

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☆The next day ☆

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☆The next day ☆

☆ Your POV ☆

"Hey Kakashi, dad, I'm bored." I said looking at both of them. "Why are you telling me that? Actually, now that you mentioned it maybe I am bored." Kakashi thought crossing his arms. "Then what do you guys want to do?" My dad asked looking at me and Kakashi. "I don't-" before Kakashi would say anything else I then shout, "Hey! Wheres Obito and Rin?" I ask looking around. "Yeah... Wait! I think I knew where they were going!" Kakashi said grabbing my wrist while my dad follows behind, into the trees. My dad looked a bit mad, he won't go too overprotective. Right?

Then we got to a place a stone bench in front of trees in the background. There we find Obito and Rin sitting next to each other, while they were having their conversation.

"Hey Rin, meet me today at the blossom tree. I uh- have to tell you something." Obito said rubbing the back of his neck. "Sure! Well, see ya there!" Rin said getting up and waving goodbye at Obito. "Uh y-yeah!" He said waving back. Then Rin disapeared. "Oh shoot! What have I gotten myself into?" Obito sadly said while he hung his head. "Sooo Obito, ya going to confess now?" I happily said, jumping down from the tree along side Kakashi and dad. "H-HUH! YOU HEARD OUR CONVERSATION?!" Obito jumped. "Well.... you need help, 'cause ya know, you are going to confess to your crush after all~" I cooed smirking. "H-hey!" Obito blushed. "Okay bye! Going to go help Rin get ready! See ya!" I said as I jumped into the trees. "Oh yeah dad, Kakashi help Obito!" I said disappearing. "Yeah... okay, wow." I heard Kakashi say in the distance, I giggle and went to find Rin.

☆ Time skip ☆

I found Rin on a bench blushing like crazy. Hmm I wonder what happened? Hehe just joking, I already knew what happened. I went up to her and said, "Hey Rin, how's it going?" Making her jump, she answered back, "You know I have a crush on Obito right?" I nod in response "Well he um, he wanted to tell me something and it's today! At sunset! Also I don't know what to wear." Rin stuttered a bit. "Well you asked the right person! Well I came to you and you didn't ask but who cares. LETS GO!" I excitedly say grabbing her wrist. "Hey! Wait up (Name)!" Rin said following behind.

☆ At the store ☆

After trying on so many dresses we finally found a dress that's just right for Rin.

"Okay! Come out now Rin!" I said calling her out. "I-I don't know, (Name) this feels weird. I haven't worn a dress since ages now." Rin blushed coming out of the changing rooms, with a purple kimono with flower designs on it. "oooOoOoO~ You look so pretty!" I clapped my hands together. "Do you think he might like it?" Rin asked quietly, "Well duh!" I tugged her shoulder making her blush.

The clothes Rin's wearing:

The clothes Rin's wearing:

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☆ Time skip ☆

Me and Rin walked to the meeting place half way there then I whispered to her ear "Go get yo man!" making her blush again. Then pushing her to Obito. I went to go hide in the bush beside Kakashi. We both watched as the scene play forgetting about dad behind us. Its like he doesn't exist from time to time. Sorry dad, I love you still hehe. We saw Obito confessing and he was a stuttering mess! Of course Rin said yes to Obito.

"Yes! Mission complete!" I might have said it too loud and disturbed Obito and Rin a bit. I then randomly said. "Oh was I interrupting? Oh well, continue on now." Making Obito and Rin laugh a bit and Kakashi shake his head popping his head out of the bush. "Well it's settled then! Rin and Obito are official!"

"Well at least they got together hm?" Kakashi said to me as we walk behind Obito and Rin, "I guess so heh." I chuckled a bit. "Well then, see you tomorrow." Kakashi said disappearing in thin air, "Yeah sure," I said waving back. I then turned around to see Rin and Obito smirking. "What?" I questioned. "Oh, its nothing!" Rin answered playfully. Everyone laughed it out at the end.

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