Chapter 2

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So, you're probably wondering what that 'and that's when it all began' stuff is about, aren't you? Well wonder no more! Because I will explain it to you. Right now in simple words, in case you're a little slow, and then in total detail, so you can get the feelings of it all.

But here's the simple words one:
This is where all the bad stuff began.

Detailed one:

So the following month (August) was when school began. Oh dreaded school, how I hate you so. Basically the only thing I actually like about school is that I get to see my friends there. But anyway, that wasn't the point. So my two best friends, Raquel and Kaylen (told you she'd come into play) had no classes with me besides chorus and the way that that worked out we couldn't really hang out. I also had flex with Raquel and Gym with Kaylen, but they always hung with other people. So basically they don't really talk to me anymore and we're kinda not that good of friends anymore. I tried to still be friends with them, but failed... But I tried! So yeah I basically had lost my two best friends. But at lunch now I sit with other people: Chelsea, Regina, and Macy. They're basically my new best friends. Notice how I said basically. Yeah, basically. Well the reason I said 'basically' is for a pretty big reason.

There's this bully at my school named Josh. Josh Gizer. He's like one of those "cool" kids (a.k.a. kids who try, and think they're cool but they're really not) and he thinks he's better than everyone else. He's also one of those big kids. He's like tall but fat, and like, yeah, he's big. And when I say big I mean BIG. Okay I guess you get my point. But anyway for right now let's just say that something bad happened with him...

So anyway, one day at school I was just walking to my locker when someone is standing right in front of it. Not even standing in front of it. Leaning on it. I wouldn't really have too much of a problem with that, but I mean like, it's him. It's Josh. So yeah. But anyway I was walking up and going to try to get him off my locker.

"Um, excuse me? Josh?" I said, trying to sound as innocent as possible.

He looked away from his friends and at me, with a glare in his eye. "What?" Josh said annoyed.

"You're on my locker." I stated.


"So?" I asked, lifting my eyebrows.

"What do you want me to do about it? It's your problem." He said looking back to his friends.

"What do I want you to do about it?" I asked in disbelief. Was he really that dumb? Or was he just bad at trash talking...? "I want you to move your fat ass of my locker."

"Excuse me?" He said with a really annoying attitude. "Did I hear you correctly?"

"Uh yeah." I stated. He was starting to get me in a bad mood. Nobody wants that. "So MOVE."


"No?" I asked, challenging him.

"Nope" he said, smirking.

"Josh, just move." I said rolling my eyes. I saw Regina walking by. Maybe she would help me. "Regina!" I said. She stopped walking briefly and glanced at me. Then at Josh. Then walked away. Wow thanks. Then I spotted Macy and Chelsea. I called their names. They ignored me. Why was everyone blowing me off today?

"Oh calling your little friends for help?" Josh looked around, mockingly. "Well I guess they didn't bother to show up." He said, smirking again.

"Josh." I said, getting more mad at him. "MOVE"

"Yeah, man." said Corey, one of Josh's friends. "Let the girl get to her locker. We gotta go. There's lamer losers you can pick one."

"Alright, alright." he said putting his hands up and moving out of the way.

"Finally" I say rolling my eyes.

"Now what do you say?" Josh said in a baby voice.

"That in not a baby?" I say, grabbing my books, a glare in my eye. "Unlike you..." I mutter under my breath.

"What was that?!" He said furious.

Mission complete. Get him off my locker, and torment him in some way. Then the bell rang. Phew, saved by the bell. I walked away, smiling to myself with satisfaction.

"Where the hell are you going?!" He screamed after me. "Get your ass back here!"

But I was already gone.


*the ~ indicates a scene change btw*

At lunch I find my friends and sit down with them. We're talking fine, normal conversations when I see Josh walking by. I immediately remember the events from this morning.

"Why'd you blow me off?" I ask, to no one in particular.

"What?" Macy asks.

"I called your guys's names and none of you responded. Why was that?"

"I-I d-didn't h-hear you." Regina stammered.

"Lies." I replied. "You looked at me. Then at Josh. Then you left.

"Well it was Josh." She nervously laughed. "What did you expect me to do?" She smiled nervously.

"What did I expect you to do?" I asked repeating. "What did I expect you to do...? I don't know... Maybe... Hmmm... HELP ME? HAVE MY BACK FOR ME? I DONT KNOW WHAT DID YOU THINK I WANTED YOU TO DO?!" I felt like screaming at them when remembered we were in school. I look over at Macy and Chelsea. "And I know you two heard me so don't even try to lie. So, I what's your guys's excuse?"
They failed to meet my eyes, looking down at their food.
"Why did you blow me off?" I asked getting angrier by the second. No response. "No? You're just not gonna answer me? Okay. Goodbye."

"No, wait, Lindsey-" Chelsea started.

"What?" I asked, glaring.


"Sorry ain't gonna cut it." I got up and started to move to a different table. "Oh," I said stopping in my tracks, "don't follow me to this table and don't expect me to sit with you tomorrow." I know that they were sorry, but still! I wouldn't have blown them off! UGH! I thought WHY DOES EVERYTHING HAVE TO BE SO... JUST LIKE IT IS?!


For the next few days they each tried texting me but I simply ignored them. They tried sitting with me at lunch. I moved. I was pissed at them and in one of my moods. I'm best alone during these times.

One day at lunch Corey sat at my table. "What the hell are you doing here?" I asked him, annoyed and confused.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He questioned. "Sitting all alone..." He looked around.

"Just go away. I don't need your pity. Besides I'm just a 'loser' anyway." I started to get up to move to a different table.

"No, no, stay here, I'll move." He sighed. "...Sorry."

"For what?" I raised an eyebrow at him. "I don't care about the whole 'loser' thing."

"No, not just that. About Josh, your friends, and stuff..."

"Stuff?" I questioned. "...Thanks."


"Saying that I'm not the lamest loser" I smirked.

"Oh that..." he blushed. "That was just-"

"Fine." I say, holding up my hand to stop him.

He smiled "You're...umm...L-"

"Lindsey. Glad you know my name."

"I was just about to say that." He blushed.

"Yeah, sure." I said. He just kinda stood their awkwardly, looking at the ground. "Buh-bye." I waved. He then left and sat with his crowd as if nothing had happened. weird. Oh well. End of lunch. Just 3 more periods to go. Hopefully it would be better then the rest of this week.

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