Chapter 4- Letter Of Guilt

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"We were together, I forget the rest."
-Walt Whitman

My night with Charles was possibly the best night of my whole life. I really wish it could happen again.

I woke up at around 7.30am and found Charles no longer by my side. Fumbling out of bed, I went out and saw Charles getting ready to return to his own apartment then afterwards we would be heading to work. Turning around, I saw an envelope on the table adressed to me. But what shocked me was that it was from Reginald Copperbottom. If Charles saw this name on the envelop my secret would be exposed!

"Charles..." I asked in a kind tone. But internally, I was panicking. "Did you pick up this letter for me?"

"Oh that letter? I found that at your door. Someone must have slipped it in from the outside."

"Did you see the name on of the sender of the letter?"

"Nope. I just picked it up and left it one your table."

I was so relived when I heard that. One great thing about Charles: He never invades anyone's privacy.

I stuffed the letter into my bag when Charles turned around, then got ready for work.

"What is your definition of happiness Charles?" Henry asked on a beach with his best friend trying to build a sandcastle.

"Happiness? Oh, happiness comes in many forms Henry." Charles replied.

"So, what is your answer?"

"Happiness is being there with the people you care about and they love you as well. I won't ask for more as long as I am happy."

Henry starred in awe, and congratulated Charles on providing him with such a wise answer.

At that very moment, the sun had begun to set, and families were leaving the beach, loading into their cars and going home. Henry looked back at Charles, who was still playing with the sand.

"I have an idea Henry!" Charles spoke, using his hand to smoothen a plot of sand next to his majestic sandcastle. He then motioned for Henry to come to his side. After listening, they both imprinted their palms into the sand, and took a picture to remember this moment by.

"I'm all ready to go, Charles." I emerged from his room. Now's not really the time to open the letter. I have a bad feeling about it though.

Once on the road, I starred out the window, looking at all the trees passing by. Nothing seems to be able to distract me as long as Charles is by my side. He is currently the most important person in my life.

"Henry, did you have a special someone?" Charles asked as we came to a stop at a traffic light.

"Before you... a special someone...? I pondered. "Hm.. Not really. The last girl I remembered very clearly was from The Wall. Ellie Rose, that's her name, if I can remember. "

"Where is she now?" Charles asked, as we accelerated when the red light changed to a green light.

"I try not to talk about her."

"Oh, that's alright Henry."

After parking the car, we went up to Charles's apartment. I sat on the sofa and waited for him to get changed in the bathroom. This was the perfect opportunity to read the letter. Taking it out of my bag, I made sure Charles was gone before I tore it open.

Dear Henry,

I want to thank you for rescuing me, and for joining our organisation. We will certainly profit from your contributions as our new leader! Your Toppat leader hat will be waiting for you when you arrive on the airship. Leave your reply letter inside a sealed cardboard box labelled "pet food" outside your doorstep this Sunday night, one of the members will come pick it up dressed as a delivery man. He would arrive at 2am. These are all just for our safety.

For extra security measures, I would really appreciate it if you could burn this letter immediately after you have read it.

Once again, thank you so much!

Reginald Copperbottom

I crushed the sides of the letter with my two hands and felt my eyes swelling with endless amounts of tears. I knew this road I have chosen would have dire consequences, and I must power through them all.

Has it only just been yesterday... yesterday when I gave Reginald freedom? Time passes by so slowly now...

I stuffed the already crumpled letter and its envelope into my bag just as I head the latch of the bathroom door unlock. I also turned around for a brief second to dry my eyes, trying to look and act normal.

"Ready to go, Henry?" Charles asked as he put his helicopter pilot jacket in his bag.

"Yep, all ready to go Charles." I replied emptily.

Just as he passed by me, he turned to me and gave me a kiss on my forehead.

The whole thing went by in slow motion to me. The impact of the kiss went through my whole body like a sonic wave, temporarily cleaning me of my worries.

"T-thank you, Charles."

"Anytime Henry!" Charles said with happiness while grabbing his car keys.

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