Arrow Goes to Central

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For once, crime had been slow in Star City. There wasn't any bad guy bent on destroying the Glades. Muggings, robberies, and murders had gone down since the Arrow had been patrolling the streets. Felicity had managed to convince Ray to donate money to an organization that was doing a rebuilding effort in the Glades. This resulted in Team Arrow being bored out of their minds.

"This is insane, there has to be something going wrong," Roy said. He was sporting his signature red hoodie and jeans. He was lazily shooting arrows at a target. He wasn't focused, so most of them missed the bull's eye.

"Nope. I've checked the cameras around the city, I've made sure no prisoners have escaped from jail, and Detective Lance hasn't asked for our help," Felicity said while playing Tetras on her computer. Today, she was wearing a purple sweater and jeans. Her hair was pulled back in its usual ponytail, and she was wearing a new pair of full-rimmed glasses.

Oliver took that time to come down from the club. He was wearing loose jeans, a black top, and black boots. "That's where you're wrong, Felicity. The detective just called. He wants us to look into some old unsolved cases. Laurel dropped this off. It has a list of people they want us to find." He dropped a folder on the desk, right in front of her. Leaning over her to look at the computer, he said, "Look up Samuel Joseph Scudder."

Felicity did so and found multiple criminal records. The older ones were just petty crimes, underage drinking, vandalism, and speeding tickets, but as they became more recent, the crimes became worse. There were bank robberies, muggings, assault charges, and one glaring charge of murder.

The name read Jay Garrick. He had been walking home from work when he passed by the bank which happened to be being robbed by Scudder. Garrick must have gotten in the way because Scudder shot him and continued to run. The forensic file said that he had died from a gunshot wound to the gut. He had bled out on the sidewalk while people just walked by. This was five years ago, and he had never been caught.

After they finished reading the reports, Felicity swiveled her chair around so she could face Oliver.

"So Lance wants us to find this guy?" she asked. Oliver had just come back from the dead, and honestly she had been glad that there hadn't been much for him to do. It allowed him to stay out of the League of Assassins sights. She wasn't so sure she wanted him back in danger so soon.

"Yes, and I already have an idea of where to look," Oliver said mysteriously before he began putting on his green leather outfit.


The Arrow and Arsenal had arrived outside of an old warehouse. The thing looked like it hadn't been used in years, and that all it needed was a strong gust of wind to bring it down. "You there, Felicity?" Oliver asked into the com-link.

"I'm here," she responded. "Are you sure this is a good idea? The place looks like it could fall on top of you any second." She was monitoring their progress on the computer in the lair. She was concerned for their safety. What if there's someone they weren't expecting?

"It's fine, Felicity." This time it was Roy who spoke. He was a little nervous too. He had gotten use to doing things his way with Oliver gone, but now that he was back, he wasn't sure what was going to happen.

They kept to the shadows, creeping along the side of the building until they came to a window. "Okay, when you get in, there is going to be a hallway. Take the right," Felicity said.

They smashed through the window and went to the right. As they continued forward a man came out of a door that lead to a kitchen, or so Felicity said. The man froze when he noticed them, bows drawn and aimed at him. The man looked like he belonged in a gang with his ripped jeans and large jacket. He was holding a sandwich which he must have just made.

"What do you want?" he stuttered. "We haven't done anything since you took down Brick."

"I want to know where your old boss is. Joseph Scudder," Oliver said hefting the man up by the front of his shirt. Roy trained an arrow at him.

"I don't know where he is anymore," the man stammered. He was shaking in Oliver's hands. Oliver gave Roy a slight nod, and Roy shot the arrow straight into the guy's left arm. He screamed. "Okay! Okay! He skipped town five years ago! I think he went to Central! Please let me go!" the man yelled.

Oliver obliged and let go, dropping him to the floor. Oliver gestured at Roy to follow, and they left. On there way out, Roy grumbled, "We could've brought him to the police."

"He hadn't done anything," Oliver answered, keeping out of sight.

"What do you mean he hadn't done anything? He helped rob all those banks, and he was there when Jay Garrick was murdered!" Roy was yelling by the end.

"I think you gave him enough punishment. He won't be able to use that arm for a while," Oliver chuckled.

"He deserved worse," Roy muttered. Oliver was shocked at how dark Arsenal was being. He remembered how angry Roy had been when he had first become his sidekick, and now he was wondering if Roy was going back to his old habits. They continued back to the lair in silence.


Felicity was ready to greet them when they arrived back at the hideout. Roy shoved passed her and started to take off his uniform. Oliver came in next. "We're going to take a trip to Central. Apparently, that's were Scudder disappeared to five years ago."

Felicity couldn't contain her excitement. They could go see Barry, Cisco, Caitlin, and Dr. Wells! Especially, Barry. Last time she had gone alone to Central, they had had a moment where they poured their hearts out to each to each other, and then they...kissed. She was still trying to sort her feelings for Barry and Oliver. "When will we be going?" she asked breathlessly. She was so excited.

"Tonight," was all Oliver said before he left to get changed and pack. Felicity raced as fast as she could in heels to her car. She drove to her apartment and got out heading straight to her room. Once she got there, she threw herself onto her bed and did a very girly scream into her pillow. Tonight she would be in Central City with Barry!

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