The Criminal is Found

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Barry was awakened to the sound of "Poker Face" echoing through the silent field. Sleepily opening his eyes, Barry attempted to grab his phone from his back pocket. Key word, attempted. After several failed attempts, Barry lifted his head to see what was hampering his arms ability to move. His emerald eyes traveled up his body, stopping when they landed on the body strewn across Barry's arm and chest.

Felicity was using one of her petite arms to hug his right arm while her other arm was thrown across his chest. Her golden blonde hair was a halo surrounding her head. Her glasses were crooked on her face, which was pressed to his side. He smiled at her thinking about how lucky he was to love a woman as amazing as she was. He bent his neck to plant a soft kiss on her forehead, but was interrupted by his ringtone going off again. This time he used his left arm, managing to answer it on the third ring.

"Hello?" Barry asked, having forgotten to look at the Caller ID before he answered.

"Barry, is Felicity with you?" Oliver's gruff voice inquired through the cell. "She hasn't been answering her cellphone, and I'm really worried, she always answers her phone."

Barry could hear how frantic Oliver was on the other side of the phone. "Yes, she's right next to me," Barry told him, looking down at her sleeping form once again. A smile made its way onto his face.

"Where are you? Can I talk to her? It's important," Oliver said.

Barry new that this was going to give Oliver the wrong impression before he even opened his mouth. "Actually, she's sleeping, and I don't want to disturb her. I mean we didn't sleep together, well, we did, but not like that. We just fell asleep, and nothing happened I swear," Barry rambled into the phone. "You can just tell me whatever it is you need to tell her."

He could hear Oliver sigh into the phone. Barry could just imagine Oliver rubbing his forehead agitatedly. "I'm only telling you this because it's important, not because you need to know." Oliver spoke after a pause, "Diggle and Roy have found Scudder's new home of residence. Apparently he has been living off the grid for awhile now under the false name Evan McCulloch. I needed Felicity to hack into the city's database and gather as much information as she could on this man's new identity. Just get yourselves to STAR Labs as soon as you can."

Barry nodded his head before realizing that Oliver couldn't see him. "Yes, we'll be there ASAP." He ended the call, laying the phone on the blanket next to him. He looked at Felicity once more, trying to capture this moment in his memory before he had to ruin it. After another minute, Barry began shaking her shoulder eliciting a groan from her full lipstick-covered lips. He shook her again, making her roll over to avoid being woken up. "Come on, Felicity," he whispered, "Time to get up." On the next shake she cracked her eyes opened, the blue orbs fogged with sleep.

"What is it?" she mumbled, already closing her eyes again.

"Uh, uh, uh," he said. "You have to get up, or we'll be late to STAR Labs. Oliver needs your help." This got her attention. She bolted up already fumbling for her cell. Turning it on, missed call notifications filled the lock screen. Most of them were from Oliver, some were from Roy and Diggle, and there were even a few calls from his team at the Labs.

She got up, stumbling a little bit because she was still in her wedges from last night, and began packing up the blanket and food. Barry soon followed, using his super speed to finish the job. After zooming home with the picnic basket, he went back to the field. Felicity was waiting there, the sun hitting her so that her entire body glowed. Barry rushed forward causing her hair and dress to whip around in the wind. He smirked, "Hop on."


After stopping to allow Felicity to get changed, they arrived at STAR Labs. Everyone was already there when they entered, the most noticeable being Oliver. His arms were crossed, a scowl on his face. "Super speed is suppose to mean that you get here fast," he said. "Where were you?" Barry saw Felicity open her mouth to answer when she was interrupted by Oliver. "Actually, it doesn't matter where you were because you weren't there after you said you would be there if we needed you."

"That's not fair," Felicity stated. "You knew I was going on a date with Barry, and you knew that I wouldn't be back until late if at all, and you definitely knew that I don't get up until at least 9 when I don't have work. Last time I checked it was 7:30." She did the sassy hand on the hip thing that Barry had learned meant that you should just back down because even if you're right the girl will not accept your answer.

Everyone else stood to the side watching them as if it were a tennis match. Oliver just breathed deeply through his nose, not even bothering to respond to her remark. Instead, he turned around after saying, "Just look up this scumbag so we can capture him and bring him back to STAR City with us."

Felicity sat down at the desk, doing her work silently and effectively it turns out because not even five minutes later she had spun around to face them and began relaying the information she had found. "Evan McCulloch is definitely our guy. He has no record of anything beyond five years ago. His birth certificate is obviously forged. He doesn't even have a job. According to all this, Evan shouldn't exist, which is why he is Scudder."

"Good work, Felicity," Dr. Wells praised. "Barry, suit up and accompany Oliver on this little escapade." Before Oliver could say anything about this new arrangement, Wells explained his reasoning. "As long as 'Team Arrow' is in our city, they will follow our rules. That includes the Flash keeping an eye on them to make sure that there aren't any ... unnecessary casualties."

Oliver nodded accepting these terms, for now at least. "I think it's time to pay Scudder a visit," he muttered darkly before disappearing down the corridor.


I actually wanted to do a trivia type of thing. The rules are pretty simple, if you know who the villain is, comment or private message me their supervillian name. The first person to get it right will have a chapter dedicated to them. I strongly encourage you not to use the internet to look him up. Bonus points if you know who the murder victim was.

I hope you're enjoying the story, and I'll try and update soon. Also, rant.

Felicity why?! Why Palmer?! And ugh, Thea... And Roy! That was annoying. Meh.

Hopefully that didn't spoil anything. Don't forget to vote and comment!!

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