44 - We almost got married

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"Kiss me goodnight."

Junhui widened his eyes as his arm layed on Minghao's side and hugged him.


"Because you love me, and I love you." Minghao giggled.

"Never stop giggling. You are so pretty." Junhui smiled, looking straight into Minghao's eyes.

"And you never stop being yourself. And now kiss me."

Junhui giggled and accidentally brushed his nose over the younger's one. Their faces were already so close that Minghao caught the occasion and pecked Junhui's lower lip.

"Surprised, but not disappointed." Junhui smiled with his eyes closed and finally kissed the younger.

The much needed kiss ended after some seconds.

"Goodnight Junhui." Minghao smiled and caressed the older's cheek.

"Goodnight, mystical vision, hit by the moonlight and breath-taking as always." Junhui smiled and gave a kiss on Minghao's forehead.

Minghao giggled and snuggled his head onto Junhui's chest. The older held him tight and fell asleep even before him, but it didn't take much time even to Minghao to fall into his dream world.


"Joshua... Joshua... hubby..."


The two slightly opened their eyes and found themselves laying next to each other on the floor of the kitchen, between some left popcorns.

"Why do we have these paper sheets on our foreheads?"

"What does mine say?"

"Swami, do you want to get married to Joshua?"

"Yours says 'Joshua, do you want to get married to Swami?'".

"Then are we married?"

"I think, in an informal way, yes we are." Swami yawned.

"Cool." Joshua giggled silently.

"Mh, let's sleep a bit more." Swami snuggled onto Joshua's chest, closing her eyes.

"But it's our first night married..."

"Shut up, you pervert! No Cardi and Megan for you!" Swami giggled.

In that moment, Jiyeong and Chan entered the kitchen, looking like two zombies.

"Where is the sink?" Chan asked, squinting his eyes and trying to focus on something.

"Wait, I'm going to get it babe." Jiyeong slowly walked to the sink and searched for a glass. "Why did I even want to do this?"

"NoOooOooO, it's not your fault babygirl." Chan smiled.

"Don't yell! My head hurts."

"I'm not yelling."

The two didn't even notice Joshua and Swami sleeping under the table.


"Guys, what time is it?" Hansol asked, but no one was awake. He searched for his phone and looked at the screen.

"Oh shit, it's 11am-" he widened his eyes and passed an hand between his hair. Then he noticed Seungkwan sleeping next to him, laying on the couch. He stared at him for a long time, until Wonwoo woke up.

"My head..." he muttered, his voice even deeper than the ocean.

"Here, take this." Mingyu got out of the kitchen and whispered to Wonwoo, crouching next to him and handing him a glass of water.

"Morning Hansol." Mingyu looked up at him.

"How are you so ok?"

"I used to drink a lot, so two pints of beer don't affect me like this."


The boy looked down at Wonwoo.

"Yes?" His lips trembled as the older's deep voice had a strange effect on him.

"I love you." Wonwoo smiled with his eyes closed.

"Hansol, don't listen."

The boy nodded and put his hands over his ears.

"To be honest, if you weren't this drunk, I would fuck you real quick."

Wonwoo giggled.

"You stupid, my ugly ass is not that easy to get."

"But yet you fell for me." Mingyu smiled while whispering.

"Just sleep love." Wonwoo tossed on the floor, under his own cover, and left Mingyu all giggly.

Hansol, still with his hands on his ears, gazed at Seungkwan's sleepy face. He stared for a while with a smile on his face.

Meanwhile, Mingyu got up and tried to clean up what he could clean, silently using a broom and gathering all the rests of food in a little angle of the room.

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