49 - How do we call this? Sixtuple date?

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"GUYSGUYSGUYS!" Jiyeong yelled, running from the counter to the big table, where everyone was already sitting and chit-chatting.

"Yes babe?" Chan looked at her and smiled widely.

Jieyong blushed, coughed, put a strand of her hair behind her ear and spoke up.

"What if we went to a date all together?"

"But... we are single!" Jihoon pointed at the two boys next to him and himself, then pouted.

"You guys can friendly date!" Jiyeong smiled.

"What do we call this? A sixtuple date?"

"YES!" Jiyeong smiled widely.

"I like my girlfriend's idea and I support her on this." Chan nodded.

"Why are you always pointing out she's yours like, we been knew." Jeonghan rolled his eyes.

"Then why don't you stop holding hands in front of everyone and making out in the bathroom? We can hear you guys..." Chan pressed his lips one on the other.

Jeonghan looked away and blushed, holding in a laughter.

"What about Saturday?" Mingyu suggested as everyone nodded.

"Cool then, SATURDAY IS OUR DAY!" Jiyeong yelled.


Saturday afternoon, the garden near the coffee shop. Fifteen people were gathered in an uneven circle.

"What should we do?" Jeonghan asked.

"Let's have a walk all together first, then we could part ways and have a proper date." Swami suggested.

"That's what I was thinking about!" Jiyeong smiled widely. "See? That's my best friend."

The two looked and blinked at each other.

"Ok then... which way?"

"That one, but leave me and Seungkwan there then." Hansol pointed to his right and smiled, then held Seungkwan's hand in his. Everyone nodded and walked together, talking about the most random things like "what would Junhui do if he woke up as a dog" and "when will Jeonghan and Seungcheol stop making out wherever they are".

Once they reached a part of the garden full of bushes, Hansol stopped.

"This is my spot, you guys can go." Hansol smiled.

"It only took us five minutes!" Chan pouted.

"It's already enough walking for me." Jihoon muttered.

"I need a chair to fall off from." Seokmin giggled and made everyone laugh.

"Ok then, see you... on Monday at the coffee shop?"

"As always, Jiyeong." Hansol smiled and blinked at her.

Seungkwan hit the younger's shoulder, hard enough to make him put on a painful face.

"Don't you ever blink at someone like that again."

"Aweee, baby is jealous." He giggled.

"Oof, I cannot get mad at you." Seungkwan facepalmed.

"We'll leave you guys alone, bye!" Swami waved and held Joshua's hand, dragging the group the other way around.

"Guys, the single ones, let's go to karaoke." Jihoon said while walking.

"SURE!" Seokmin jumped for happiness and literally carried Jihoon bridal style. "Bye guys!" He smiled towards the others. "Soonyoung, let's go!"

"O...k!" Soonyoung waved at the others and followed Seokmin, who was already walking away.

"What is their problem?" Joshua asked, shaking his head.

"I don't know babe, I don't know."

The five couples left went back to the big tree at one side of the park.

"Let's part ways guys, it's no fun if someone is missing..." Jiyeong pouted.

"It's ok girl." Swami smiled and patted her shoulder.

"See you on Monday, have fun everyone." Jieyong smiled.

Swami hugged her, Wonwoo and Junhui patted each other's shoulders, Mingyu and Minghao high-fived. Everyone greeted one another and parted ways, holding hands and going to different locations.

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