45 - Joshua's ex

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"It's 10 am... should we wake up?"

"Yes we should." Minghao almost whispered, as his troath was dry.

Junhui smiled and caressed his head.

"What do you want to drink?"

"We bought tea, let's drink tea."

Junhui nodded and was about to get up, but Minghao held him.

"Not now." The younger pouted and cuddled back onto Junhui.

"Tiny." Junhui smiled. "Mystical vision, I have to get up."

"No you don't." Minghao whispered. "I bet everyone is still on the floor, drunk and asleep."

"Ok then." Junhui smiled and left a gentle kiss on the younger's forehead.

They cuddled up for a long time, until they heard some voices in the other room.


"Ok so, we are only missing JeongCheol." Jiyeong looked around.

"Yeah... but what happened yesterday night? And why did Joshua and I have those things on our foreheads?" Swami asked, still confused.

"Duon'teu yellaw." Seokmin muttered, his eyes closed.

"He said "don't yell"."

"Thank you for the translation." Jiyeong nodded towards Soonyoung.

"I remember what happened." Hansol looked at Joshua. "Your ex texted you, and we made up a fake marriage to make her shut up. Or at least you did, me and Seungkwan watched Friends until midnight."

"Yeah, but we drank too much anyway." Seungkwan, whose face was hiding in Hansol's neck, whispered. "My head is hurting."

"We should go through your phone babe, so we can see why your ex texted you."

Joshua nodded and took his phone out of his pocket, scanning his Dm's until he found her ex's one.

"She wrote 'Jisoo, can we meet? I want to tell you that I changed my mind', and then there are a bunch of our photos with party hats and glasses and two rings made out of paper."

"Shit, how much did we drink yesterday?"

"Only two pints of beer each."

At that point, JeongCheol got out of their room.

"Oh, you guys are awake." Jeonghan scratched his head, followed by a tired Seungcheol.

"Why do you guys look like you came out of a three days long stage at work?" Chan looked at the olders.

"Don't even ask, you kid."

Chan pouted.

"Guys, we should sleep more and keep some still water near us, so we can drink if our head hurts." Jihoon suggested.

"Good, then we are going back to our room, goodnight everyone!" Jeonghan turned on his heels and dragged Seungcheol in the room, without even giving him time to greet the others.

"Go and sleep in the bedrooms, we don't need ours anymore." Minghao nodded.

"Thank you, you are such a great boyfriend for my best friend." Wonwoo smiled and patted Minghao's shoulder, his eyes closed and a bright smile on his face.

"Let's go Wonwoo, time to sleep!"

The boy pouted and shakily got up, holding Mingyu's hand and walking to the bedroom guided by the younger.

"Me and Chan will just sleep on the floor, Chan likes it." Jiyeong shook her shoulders.

Everyone nodded and went to sleep, apart from Jun and Minghao, who finally went to drink their tea.

"Did he just say I'm a great... boyfriend?"

"I know right, when did we even..."

"We are so gay, at this point let's just get together."

"You sure?" Junhui widened his eyes and looked at Minghao, who giggled at his reaction.

"Yes, you dummy, let's get together."

Junhui smiled widely.

"Four fucking months to hear you say this."

"It could've gone worse." Minghao giggled again and stood up, laying his and Junhui's cup on the sink.


"Hey don't copy me, you copycat."

"Did you just say copy... cat?"

Minghao facepalmed.

"Why did I even-"

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