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He was sitting straight in the bed now. His face right near mine. "Are you sure that's the only way to get ride of them?" He asked. "Yea. That's what my mom and stepdad told me." I said quietly. "Oh..." He trailed off. He grabbed my wrist and slowly started pulling it towards his mouth. I yanked it away. "What the fuck?" I asked. "Oh sorry. I- I thought you wanted to turn." He face planet his hand to his face and slid it down slowly. "Stupid me."

I shook my head and played the hand he just tried to bite on his shoulder. "Don't feel stupid Scott. You may be stupid yea, just don't tell yourself you are." He looked up and slapped my shoulder. Making us both laugh.

"I don't wanna change yet. Only if it comes down to no other choice." I whispered. He nodded and placed his head to mine. "Okay. I will wait Forever for you." He whispered back. I smiled. "Me to." I put my hands to his chest and kissed him. He kissed back, embracing me with tough hands. They carefully explored my back. I pushed him into the bed. I was on top of him. We smiled and I bit his lip, for like the fourth time. We didn't get sick of that though. I wasn't even used to it. But I loved it. Every second I spent with him was wonderful. Even if he did hurt me. Or chased me. Or anything. He always meant good. A while later his hand reached under my big shirt. Then slowly moved upwards. He reached my butt. Where my shorts just started. "Damn. I thought you just had this shirt on." He whispered. I laughed. "I wouldn't make it that easy." I whispered back. Then pushed myself on him. He flipped us over. Now he was on top of me.

"I can make it easy." He whispered. I wrapped my legs around his waist. Which pulled us closer. My arms now sprawled his neck and back. His hands caressed my body. But I liked it.

He had to leave a while after that because it was getting really late. But that didn't stop us from texting all night long.

I got up the next morning and got dressed. I just slid on a plain blue t-shirt and some skinny jeans. Then black converses. I slid on my grey hoodie over it.

I went downstairs and my parents were in there. I fixed a bowl of cereal and sat on the couch beside my mom. "I'm sorry about last night Brenda. We should've told you sooner. I guess.....we just never thought they'd come after you." I kept eating. "Why ARE they coming after me exactly?" I asked. "Well....I guess it's this family. My family. All throughout the years they've wanted people from our family. I guess it's the type of blood we have in our veins. They thinks it's the kind for royalty." I shook my head. "They aren't trying this one." I said trying to be tough. She smiled. "Well. Lets forget all that. Me and jared have a meeting with your teachers today." Shit. I got in a fight. And my grades are dropping. I'm going to be in big trouble. Dammit. But I managed to plaster a fake smile on my face. "Really? That's today? I'm sure you'll hear great things about me." Yea....that's a lie. "I'm sure. If we hear bad I'm taking your phone away. And grounding you." She said. "But I'm suppose to sleep over with Isabella Saturday. Can I still do that if you hear bad?" I was actually going to Scott's. but I wasn't telling then that. "We'll see."

Scott came and picked me up for school. In the car we talked up a storm. Laughing, smiling, and talking to each other. All the way to the school. I'm just glad we can have normal conversations instead of making out 24/7.

We walked to our lockers and after I got my stuff I heard my name being called on the speakers to come to the principals office. Great. Here we go. I looked at Scott and rolled my eyes. "Wish me luck." I said. I turned to go to the principles office.

I walked in and saw mr. Douglass and Amy with a patch on her nose. I'm guessing I did that. "Sit down ms. Harris." He said. I sat beside Amy, then scooted my chair over. He sat at his desk in front of us. "Now. You tell me your Half the story. My daughter has already told hers. I need to hear yours. Because I have video camera that saw how and what happened. I'm just seeing who will lie with me." He said. I sighed and raised my eyebrow the lowered it quick. "Well I was simply having lunch with my friends, then I got up to throw away my trash and he came over there and punched me first. And all over my boyfriend." I smiled. That's last part was for her. Her head spun to me. I slowly turned and smiled at her. Then looked back at the principle. "I don't regret punching her back." I fin sighed off. He stood. "Brenda, you may leave. Thank you for telling the truth." I nodded and stood.

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