Introduction- What A Day

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I do not own the characters in this fanfic, so don't sue me!!! (lol)

This is my first time writing anything story wise. So please have mercy on me, of couse I am more than happy to recieve any possitive criticism. PLEASE COMMENT and tell me what you think, if you hang in there with me, i promise to finish this story. In my imagination, this is already becoming a series of sorts! WARNING: At the beginning, this story has a lot of explicit content, as the plot thickens that will lessen. So Remember: Be patient and gentle with me because this is my first time! (wink wink) I hope you enjoy!

The Savage in the Man

Part 1 of The Ninja Pack Series

Ninja Assassin


Eyes have been watching her for quite a while now. She is running late getting to work after waking up with her monthly visitor. These eyes have plans for her that has to be delayed for another week. They have been keeping very close tabs on her, checking what she eats, her taste in music, what she does for hobbies, and last and not least, what things she disposes of.

5 Days Later...

'Finally, Friday is here! I can't wait to enjoy my weekend! One more file to finish and I.. Am.. Gone! I'm staying up late, to watch "Lady in the Water", with my pint of Chocolate Haagan Dazs ice cream, and enjoy it until the movie is watching me!' Absently scratching the healed scare on her chest, she thinks of him, and how he has been absent in her life for 2 months now. He just disappeared into thin air, and she thought they were getting pretty close! Shoot, she looked for him in all the ways she could. Asking Ryan to pull strings along with other corperate friends, and they all came up empty! Ryan said, "He's a ninja Mika, he must not want to be found, I think it's time for you to move on! I'm sure he'll pop up one of these days!"

Thinking of the devil, Ryan pops his head in the door and says, "I'm out of here Mika, enjoy you weekend! Don't forget to get me that information on the Thomas Case on Monday." Mika stopped mid type, looked up, sat back in her chair, and balked at him, "What file Ryan, I was hopping to completely relax and kick back this weekend. I have been so swamped since the Ozunu fiasco, I want to forget work for a while ya know!" Ryan looked sympathetic for a bit, then he thought, "If you can get it done before you leave, you won't have to fool with it past today!" "Where is the file to the Thomas Case anyway, it's not on my desk" Mika quipped. "Yes it is Mika, right under your coffee mug!" "Oh My God Ryan, I didn't even notice it! Ok, I'll knock it out for you in a sec." "Alright, just finish it and leave the file on my desk, and call me with the basics later tonight!" "Yes sir captain", she said tiredly.

After her long day at work, Mika grabbed her jacket and bag, she walked over to Ryan's office to put the file on his desk, locking up after herself. She walked down the hall and said her goodnights to all her colleagues, and headed to her car in the garage.

Searching in her bag for her keys, she looked around, then focused back on unlocking her car door when a gloved hand covered her mouth and nose from behind. She struggles for mere seconds before everything went black.....

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