المتجر افتتح يوم 25 شهر 1 من سنه 2021
مش متجر بالمعني الحرفي يعني اكيد مش هدفعكم فلوس
سو مفروض اللي عايزه تعمل طلب تبعتلي الحاجات دي برايفت1- فكرة القصه و المقدمه بتاعتها
2 - الشخصيات اللي عايزاها تظهر في الغلاف
3 - الالوان اللي حباها تظهر في الغلاف
4 - تصنيف الاستوري
5 - اسم الاستوري و اسم الحساب او اللي ألفتها
6 - بعد ما تستلموا الاوردر و تبدأوا في القصه تمنشنوا لحسابي كوني المصممه للغلاف بتاع القصه
ثانيا بقا دي نبذه من الاعمال عشان يبقي عندكم فكره و كده وايتينج الطلبات🌸The store is opend in year 2021 in jane month day 25
Not a store in the literal word because of course I won't not take any money for that
To get into it , the person who wants me to make a story cover for him is supposed to send me the following things d.m1- The idea of the story and the introduction
2 - The characters you want to make appear on the cover
3 - The colors you want to appear on the cover
4 - the story type
5- The name of the story and the name of the writer of the story
6 - When receiving the order and when using the cover, I must refer to my account because I am the designer
Secondly, those are some of the covers that were designed by me So, take a look at the works to get an idea of how things are going and i'm waiting for your orders! 🌸*الاخيره ترول
Feel free to ask for yours🌸
أنت تقرأ
مَتجر الاغلِفه | covers shop
Ficção GeralYou gave me the best of me So you'll give you the best of you