Chapter 19: Bonding

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*One month later*

Danny's Prov.

So yes it's been one heck of a month here but turns out I love this pack, and I have made a lot of friends. My best friend of course being Carol, and with the short time I have been here I have made quite a difference. First let me just tell you it was hard convincing the pack to let the women train, but when I told them that all the other packs were we all agreed that if the women wanted to then they could but any man had to unless proven "unfit"

Me and Jake? Well things are starting to hit off I think... no we are not mated well fully but we are starting to act like a real couple, and Madi is turning into such a daddy's girl! But I know she will always have a really strong connection to me because... I was there for every bit of her life.

All my friends that were rouges with children single or with their mates I invented them to join the pack. Which to Jake's disapproval they all agreed and I just knew they would do very well in the pack life. Madi is also starting to really take after me which is kinda scary.. lols she's not very shy at all and will speak her option wanted or not. She will make a great Alpha female someday.

Me and Jake have been talking and deciding on if we will send her to a Werewolf school for Alphas, it's to train them up and then see who's the strongest to rule not just their own pack but actually rule all packs. Not many even get selected so we plan to train Madi in a year and when she gets good send a secrete video to send into the Elders for choosing.

I know, I know it's awful to do something so big and keep it from her but if she's anything like me she will totally apposed of doing this and leaving her as I can see already set friends will be proven hard. But I see something great in her and I truly believe she should be the next Alpha Queen. The first of her kind, to rule without a king being the dominant one but maybe she will find her mate there... I just hope he can accept her dominant ways.

I snap out of my thoughts by Jake himself.
"Love, what are you thinking so hard about?" I'm beginning to love this new nickname he gave me. I rolled my bottom lip in and held it for a short second then rolling it back out with my answer "Just how this crazy month has been" he just smiled at me showing me his amazing smile he has and it even brought one to mine as well. He's very good at doing such things like that "Well I think you and me should go out" I tilted my head ever so slightly "As in-?" I left off with a question handing in the air.

"As in a date, bonding what you will" I tapped my chin faking my thinking like I'm pondering the worlds biggest problems before saying
"Yes I would love to Jake, finally you get the balls to ask me" he looks at me stunned mouth a little ajar nothing to major, I just simply taped it shut "Where will you be taking me"

He instantly sobered up and held my gaze with amused eyes as mine mirrored his "Well it's a surprise" I frowned puffing my lower lip out
"Better put that back in, before I do something you might like to much" he gently pulled on my puckered put lip and I sucked it back in there was if his hand bite me.

"Wouldn't want that" I almost wanted to tease he just smirked at me before I felt finger tips brushing my side I froze as his touch wondered up at shirt stopping at just my bottom bra band my lips sucked in holding in a low moan that wanted to desperately come out. His lips drew in close and hovered over my lips teasing me which I hated to say the least.

But they then moved to my ear lightly pressed to it sending a rack of shivers down my spine
"I can't wait to hear my mine rolling off into a moan as you scream my name, then when I have you begging for more that's when I take you" and he moved away from me making me feel cold as his warm embracing presence was no longer here, it was absent.

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