Chapter 12 Longing day

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Bata^^^^^^^^ {Noah}

Jake Park's Prov.

When Noah told me this news I jumped to my feet 'Take me there Noah' he ushered me out and we went to the woods shifted and ran to the city.... I have already checked the city what am I doing back here?!

I growled at my Bata once we shifted and got clothes on and said 'Noah I have already checked here what am I doing here again?!' I said to him angrily he flinched back a little at my harsh tone 'Alpha we caught her sent here this morning, traced it to the hospital then after that smelt a new sent mixed with hers smelled of Apples and Cherries but gone after that' I made a small smile at that knowing that was my baby's sent and based on the sent it was a girl.

I was so happy to hear it was a girl but I wasn't there to see her and I might never get to..... No! I can't think like that I WILL see my baby girl and my beautiful mate that I treated so wrongly and damaged, I have to find them now no matter how long it takes they will be found and brought home if it's the last thing I do....

I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard my Bata say my name 'Jake? Alpha Jake?' Waving a hand in my face I shook my head clearing my thoughts 'Yes okay let's search, get the troops and we will track them as much as we can' I was determined to find them now I had a new confidence knowing that they were here and we where getting close just one more step closer to finding my beloved mate and little Princess.

I was ready to have them both in my arms and I was never going to let go, I will the perfect mate and the perfect dad I can be anything my girls want they will have no questions asked.

@later that day@

We searched for five hours and all we got were small trails then poof gone, she did good hiding her tracks but she will slip up once and I will find her and win her love and trust as the same as my baby girl.

We all went home but I sent some still out taking shifts to see if there is any more traces or new leads. But we haven't found anything I knew I could find my baby girl in five years but that's a long time and I'm sure Danny will move before then so I can't find her I know how she will think about this probably already have a place in mind but I can't let that happen I have five years and time is not in my side at the moment.

I was home sitting at my desk thinking of a plan maybe we can go door to door use a human and have me and my men far enough where she can't smell us or cover out sents so we can be close so if I see her I can just take her.... No no no it wouldn't work she will probably act like no one is home even though we can sense a present in the house but we can't just break the freaking door down so looks like back to square one... Great

This went on for a few more hours until I heard a knock on my door by this time my and my wolf where in deep conversation about possible plans that would get back out mate and pup but most would have to end in some sort of violence which will NOT happen.

I had my head in my hands rubbing my temples when I finally realized that there was someone at the door, I called to them
'Come in' I said in a frustrated tone

I heard the door slowly open and shut, foot falls on the hardwood floors I waited for a minute for them to address them self but they failed to do so, so I looked up and sighed in frustration again then said 'What do you want'

I looked more at her then behind her and saw it was the packs slut friend Lauren well shit great this will be fun {note sarcasm}

I rolled my eyes at her and she said saying very confident and trying to sound sexy
'Hello Alpha, i was just wondering if you would like to you know... Loosen up, unwind for a while' and she finished with a smirk and a wink but it looked like she has so much mascara on that when she blinked the lashes would stick together, and her face was so caked on with makeup it was almost as bad as her friend the Queen Slut.

I wonder what she looked like without all that makeup and if she actually had some character. I pulled myself out of my thoughts with her trailing her grimy hands all over my chest which I did not like one bit, the only female that could touch me like that is Danny

I grabbed her wrist and through it off of me and growled at her while I did so then stood up my eyes pitch black angry by her thinking that I would have my way with her when I had a mate and was searching for her.
'I would never do anything with you! Danny has my whole heart and nothing will ever change that now leave me whore'

Lauren backed up but continued like the stupid bitch she is by saying 'But she's not here, she left you so that means you can do whatever you want to do, I bet that slut is fucking someone right now' that made me see red and grabbed her throat and put a lot of pressure on her neck and to the point where she was clawing my hands to release her but I wasn't done just yet

I said to her 'You will never say such things again! You get that slut? I will NEVER do that and she would not do that she is no whore like YOU! For saying such words about your Luna that earns a spot for you in a cell where you will be either killed or be a rouge for treason'

Then I released her neck and got her by her hair and dragged her down where I threw her in a cell locked it and posted a guard there to keep an eye on her.

I walked back up to my office and the rest of the day making plans to find my Danny and baby girl.


Longer chapter today!! I am so proud of myself that I got three updates today yay! Hope you like!

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