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The ship began tossing and turning and Lucy slipped over hitting the hard floor with a loud scream, Edmund picks her up by her arm as he helps her stand upright "Look! What is that!" Caspian yells "Its too late... it's too late!!!" Lord Rhoop cries out in fear as he looks at the monster swimming below, Lucy turns around to find Gael was leaning on the rail the other side "Gael!!" She cries out as a giant serpent head shot out of the water behind the petrified girl, Lucy ran towards Gael and she pulls her away as Edmund edges his way forwards. His sword was drawn as he looks at the sea monster that soared 4ft above the ship suddenly Eustace swoops in and he shoots fire at the serpent.

But the Serpent grabbed ahold of Eustace by his stomach and he began slamming the Dragon into the Dawn Treader. A battle commenced between Eustace and the Sea Serpent as they dived in and out of water, Eustace landed many good hits on the serpent, abruptly Eustace was slammed into a giant rock. He was exhausted but he was still fighting, he shot crimson fire into the serpents mouth and it dived into the water below.
Lord Rhoop ran forwards and he throws his sword straight into Eustace's back "Out foul creature!" he yells as he does so.

"Eustace! Come back!?" Lucy yells as she watches Eustace fly away, Lord Rhoop runs to the steering wheel. Without warning the ship started shaking vigorously as Lord Rhoop ran to the steering wheel and he begins turning it, Lord drinian knocks Lord Rhoop out with a single hit "Crew! To your rowing positions!" Lord Drinian bellows out and a dozen men go down below, followed by Reepicheep. Suddenly the sea serpent dived onto the boat and its slimy scales cause it to slide out the other side, it's body twisted around the ship as crewmates dive out of the way and soon enough it's head slides back into the water again but it's body was still wrapped around the boat "Ed! We ram the serpent and smash it on the rocks" Caspian suggests and Edmund nods his head in agreement "Steer and support! I'll keep it on the ground!" Edmund yells as he runs up towards the entrance of the wooden dragon head at the front of the ship and he climbs up inside it, he then pulls out his sword as he sits inside the dragons mouth. He whips his flashlight out and he blinds the sea Serpent which gains its full attention "Try and kill me! Come on!?" Edmund challenges the Serpent and it lunged forwards to eat him but his mouth got stuck on the dragon head, Edmund took his chance to escape so he climbs on top of the dragon head and he slides down onto the floor below.

As he does so Lucy pulls out Susan's bow and she fires a singular arrow hitting the serpent right into its red, beady eye "Brace yourselves!" Caspian yells as he rams the boat into the giant sea serpent crushing it in between the ship and a giant stone, Edmund dived out of the way just in time and his body hits the part of the serpent that was wrapped around the ship and he hits the ground, he tumbles over a few times before stopping.

Caspian helped Edmund stand up and he checks if he's okay before running towards Drinian to give his next order, when Edmund looks back he's transfixed into the Serpents ruby eyes like a deer in headlights "Move!" Caspian yells as he body slams Edmund into the floor below, just in time as well since a second later the Serpent dived for Edmund. Caspian then turns over and he grabs his sword as he jumps onto his feet, he then cuts off one of the serpents many legs causing the creature to shreek and dive back into the unpredictable waters. Edmund looks at the Serpents leg only to find it was fading away into green smoke.

"We can beat this" Caspian says courageously as he and Edmund both jump onto their feet "We have to get it closer!" Edmund states as he runs towards a rope and he swings around mid-air, he then latches himself onto the climbing rope's and he makes his way up onto the lookout tower. Caspian's men fire their harpoons towards the Serpent and the ropes bind around it's slimy body but it broke free, Edmund draws out his sword as he prepares to attack the serpent when his eyes were blinded by a crimson red fireball hitting the serpent. His eyes travel to where the fireball came from and he notices a giant fire orb floating closer, a smaller ball left the fire orb and it travels towards the serpents tail and it attacks, soon enough the serpent let of of the ship and when Edmund looks up he could see a pair of piercing lemon eyes looking back into his raven ones.


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