Connor's Violin

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"Okay, everyone! That was great!" Ms. Hartman shouted to everyone as they started packing up. They had just finished filming the scene where Time is introduced. They had been working all day and everyone was exhausted. "You should relax for these next couple of days before we come back on Friday, okay? Is that good with everyone's schedule?"

    There were a few scattered 'Okays' and 'Yeahs' and the others' silence was an implied yes. Lucy grabbed her stuff and was about to head out the door until she was stopped by Connor.

    "Oh! Wait, Ms. Hartman!" Connor called out, rushing towards her.

    "What is it, Connor? And please, call me Lucy," She responded.

    "Okay. Um, I need to tell you, I may not be able to make it Friday."

    "Why not?"

    "I, um, I kind of have a violin concerto I need to do that day."

    "...You play the violin?"

    Connor laughed, nervous. "Yeah, kind of. I didn't realize we'd also be filming on Friday, and I'm so sorry, but there's no time to cancel it at this point and--"

    "Connor, it's okay. We don't have to film on Friday, we can do it on Saturday. Go ahead and do your.. 'concerto'."

    Connor was so happy and relieved, he could almost hug her, but he didn't cause he thought that'd be weird, so he just thanked her again and headed out.


Connor had been practicing for a while now and his fingers and arms were starting to hurt. He thought this would be a good time for some food. He called up Thomas and Ryan and asked them if they wanted to go out to eat with him. Ryan said he couldn't, he promised his family he'd hang out with them tonight, but he could do it another time. Thomas, however, was free.

    "Yeah I'm free!" He had said.

    "That's great! Where do you wanna go?" Connor asked.

    "Hm... You ever been to Perkins?"

    "Oh, yeah, actually! It's really good!"

    "Cool! Are we planning on going anywhere after that?"

    "If you want to. There's a park near my apartment we could go to. It's really nice there."

    "Perfect! Do you mind if I bring my guitar?"

    "You play guitar?"

    "Yep! Pretty good at it too."

    "Well, sure, I don't mind. Do you want me to bring my violin?"

    "...You play the violin?"

    "Yeah. I'm actually going to a concerto on Friday. ...We paused filming so I could go, I thought Ms. Ha- Lucy would have told everyone that."

    "Huh... I didn't hear anything about it. A concerto though... you must be pretty amazing!"

    "Weird..." Connor replied, seeming not to have heard that last part. "Anyway, see you in thirty?"

    "Yep, be right there!"


Connor and Thomas finished eating and were heading over to the park. Thomas had his guitar slung across his back, while Connor carried his violin in its case. They found a nice area in the grass and sat down.

       Thomas got out his guitar and started playing it. It was a pretty tune and it got Connor thinking. He recognized this tune. Slowly, he got out his violin and began playing along. Thomas looked up for a second when he heard the violin, but Connor only nodded and Thomas continued.

     They played for a good long while. When they finally stopped there was silence. Until-

     "Hey, did you know Ryan plays the sax?" Connor asked suddenly.

     "He does?" Thomas asked, a little surprised.

    "Yeah! I caught him playing it at the studio while we were on break."

    "Woah..." Thomas thought for a moment. "Y'know if we wanted, we could start our own band."

    Connor laughed. The thought had never crossed his mind. "I suppose so!"

    "That would be fun, wouldn't it," Thomas remarked.


   They sat there chatting for the rest of the evening.


Connor stepped out on stage with his violin. There were so many people... He observed the crowd before he started. There was someone out in the crowd waving frantically at him. He squinted to make out their face. They pulled something out of their pocket and held it up.

    Sabre's bandana.

    Elan? Elan was here?! He must've seen the recognition on Connor's face because he then pointed to a few other people. Thomas? Ryan? Lucy?! What was happening? Had they come here to see him? That was... unexpected.

    Connor got in the position to play his violin, eyes still on the others. He smiled... and began to play.

[End of Oneshot]
[Written by Random]
(This one is actually my personal favorite :D)

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