Who belongs where

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The auditorium was filled with new joiners while the old students were casually chilling. The principal and vice principal could not join the meeting, so the Director of Student Affairs, Ms. Malini, joined the event. Uday quickly got onto stage and stood behind Diya, and gave her and apologetic smile. Diya made a fake angry phase and looked towards crowd, took the mic and started speaking. Diya," Hello fellow people! Welcome to our beautiful college. I am Diya and I am in first year just like you all and like you all, excited to know more from our senior Uday. So please put your hands together for Uddaaayyyy".

Uday smiled and went near the mic. Uday, "Hello everyone! College life is probably the best time of your life, everything you learn from here will get applied in your everyday life and shape your personality. You can choose to make it or break it from here on. I wish you all the best for your studies since you are already there in the best college. Rock it and keep it going...thank you." Everyone clapped for Uday and Diya took the mic back.
Diya said, "Since we are all meeting for the first time, we have a socials planned to get acquainted with each other. Please check your mail for dates, time and venue. Hoping to see you all there. Thank you."
With this the auditorium dispersed to move to their classes.

Commerce class
A scared Gunjan entered her class slowly. She was extremely timid since childhood and that attitude never helped her, she will change soon is what she determined.  She saw an empty seat in the second last row and went ahead to sit there. She opened her textbook and started reading the topics.

Gunjan was always curious about Business, her life was spent by seeing her father run their chai buiscuit cafe and she wished to continue the same. But, She wont be naive as her father, who got duped in the business from a partner and had to sell everything to run the house.

She will be ruthless and she will make sure she knows her stuff. Maths, numbers and business were her domain and she felt at home with them. Sighing at the beauty of numbers, she happily started reading when she heard a loud laugh from behind her..she saw the same guy whom she crashed into today. Something about him felt odd and made her want to cover herself from head to toe. Rithvik  looked her and saw the empty bench around her, he immediately decided to know her and make sure she sleeps with him, and went to sit beside her with his group.

"Hey Hi hotness! What's your name?" Gunjan looked at Rithvik and said ,"Sir? It is Gunjan Mirza"
Rithvik smiled and went very close to Gunjan and touched her book and said,"What is a pretty girl like you reading?".
Gunjan got really uncomfortable and said "You can stay a bit far away anf ask this question, why are you coming so close?".
Rithvik liked her spunk, she will be good in bed, he thought. " because I like coming close to you!" and smiled a hungry smile.

Gunjan got irritated and wanted to get up, but Rithvik's group had blocked her way for getting up. She did not know what to do, she had never been near boys before and this made her uncomfortable.
She heard a voice in front of her call out to her,"Hey Gunjan! Come sit with me". She looked up and saw the same guy who helped her last time. She looked at the guy giving angry look to the person who blocked her way and got up from his seat. Immediately as he got up, Gunjan felt the temperature drop a couple of degrees in the room, he was very calm but she knew he was angry.

As he came near her desk and said to Rithvik,"Rithvik, dont make her uncomfortable,  you know awareness has increased among people and there can be misunderstood cases registered against you if you make her uncomfortable, do you want that?"

Rithvik looked at Samrat angrily and knew what he was referring to, he looked at his henchman to let Gunjan go. Samrat looked at Gunjan and said," Let us sit in the front, you cannot hear Chaturvedi from the back" and held her hand and pulled her with him to the 3rd row, away from Rithvik.

Rithvik angrily looked at Samrat and knew he had to take revenge, he will have Gunjan, by hook or by crook.

Aeronautics Class

Diya was dazed by just the floor that had Aeronautics related materials on the floor. She connected her love for Aeronautics to her love for being free and able to fly. Although her stream would not take her to the sky, it will ensure that many like her, who want to fly could. Since her childhood, Diya had been very prim and proper and people thought she was a dumb rich girl, but she was pretty smart and always stood in top 3. When she mentioned Aeronautics to her parents, they did not care, so she did not care as well. She just made sure she follows her dreams.

With a spark in her eyes and entered her class, happy to work on her dream.

She saw another guy sitting in the same row as her, the quiet kid Aditya, and she just smiled to herself and looked around the class.

She saw Mayank as well, the quiet angry boxer as well who she spoke to just twice or thrice since childhood! He was a decent kid but not her best friend!

English Literature

Nupur and Mayank had the most quiet entrance into their class. Both had a no nonsense look on their face and minded their own business.

Nupur was looking forward to her first class. This would pave way for her to write articles in any magazine/paper, a dream she had from the time she can remember. She loved expressing her feelings through writing and maintained a diary that allowed her to put her thoughts to words. These were random thoughts, not a regular diary entry, but it was precious to her.

This is where our story starts

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04 ⏰

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