Chapter 1

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“Raven hurry up! You’re taking too long, if we don’t hurry it’s going to leave us behind!”

“Okay, okay i’m coming! Keep your fur on!” Snapped a young black and white she-cat as she bounded across the clearing. Gingerly she sniffed at the monster that was sleeping in front of them and sniffed crossly, “its not even awake mouse-brain! If you didn’t have to be so panicky we would have food right now!”

“Oh yeah! Well i’m not sure about you but I don’t want to go back to that twoleg house.” Hissed the black and gray tom as he leaped up onto the sleeping monsters back.

“Well i’m not going on that monster any longer then I have too. You can wait here while I go catch us something to eat.” Raven whipped around and bounded away, leaping with ease over the twoleg fence and into the forest. Her eyes glowed with satisfaction when she felt the lush undergrowth beneath her paws and began to run further into the forest. She halted shortly after when she heard a nibbling sound and turned towards it, her eyes glowing at the thought of her first kill. She blinked her green eyes in satisfaction; getting into a poorly done hunters crouch she dug her claws into the ground and leapt forwards with a powerful jump. Her claws trapped the creature, forming a cage around it; causing the mouse to squeal with terror. Finding a opening, it managed to dart between her claws and and race away. Frowning Raven dashed after the mouse at full pelt but before she could leap the mouse ran into a hole underneath a tree. She lashed her tail in frustration and sat up shaking her head with annoyance. Suddenly she heard something snap close by to her and the faraway voice of a cat scolding someone. Glancing over the fur on her spine began to bristle as she found her gaze meeting the eyes of a handsome ginger tom with shining green eyes. Taking a tiny step back she realized that the tom was not alone, with him were two larger cats and she spun around in fear when she noticed them turn their gaze towards her. Racing away at full pelt, she could hear the sound of pawsteps behind of cats giving chase and the voice of a cat calling for her to stop. Feeling a wail of fear and despair at the thought of them catching her rise up in her chest she put on a extra burst of speed. When she reached the forest edge she flew over the twoleg fence in one giant leap and darted over to her brother. When she reached him she quickly glanced over her shoulder to make sure the forest cats weren’t following her and when she saw none her fur began to flatten with relief.

“Well! Are you happy now Raven?” Raven jumped in alarm when she heard her brother snap at her and she turned to look at him, utterly lost for words. Suddenly her body turned stone cold when she realized the twoleg monster was gone, her jaw dropped in disbelief. “Because of the fact that you didn’t listen the monster left without us! Are you happy now, and you didn’t even catch a single piece of prey either!” His voice was scathing as he glared at her with an accusing look to his eyes. She blinked in disbelief

"How could it be gone!" She mumbled still trying to calm down after she saw the forest cats. "Why didn't you come find me?" She hissed in sheer panic.

"You were in the forest! It's not that easy to find you" The black Tom hissed at his litter mate . Raven frowned and started to pace,how are we going to get there now! It's too far a walk. Raven noticed her brother tense and his fur prickle. She felt her heart leap and she went cold, a deep voice growled behind her.

"We finally caught you, prey stealer!" The deep voice hissed calmly. Raven was too frightened to turn around to face the forest cats. She watched her brother take a step towards the forest cats that were behind her and snarl.

“Leave us alone!”

“Oh no, you expect us to let this prey stealer escape with her fur on, no way!” Came the reply, it was a low snarl, most likely from a tom. Slowly summoning her courage she whipped around and stood beside her brother so that she could face the group of cats. She found herself facing a silver tabby she-cat, a white tom-cat and the same smaller ginger tom that she had first spotted in the forest.

“Whitefall,” the silver tabby she-cat was looking at the white tom with a expression of annoyance in her gaze, “lets just leave already. We chased this prey stealer out of our territory so I don’t see why you made us follow her.” The white tom just hissed at the she-cat with annoyance dancing in his eyes before turning sharply to Raven and taking a dangerous step towards her.

        “I’m going to make her regret hunting in our territory, one scream at a time.” The tom took a threatening step towards Raven; hunger for Raven’s blood glowing in the white cats eyes. Raven’s fur began to bristle and fear and she took a tiny step back, her whole body trembling under the white toms gaze. Beside her, she could feel her brother’s fur began  to bristle as he hissed. Shutting her eyes Raven frantically began to ponder on how her and her brother could escape. When nothing came to her mind she dug her claws into the soil and opened her eyes again to find the white tom right in front of her. She gasped as she felt something hit her in the face, sending her reeling backwards and falling over. Her blood rushing to her face making her very light headed her eyes winced open to see the white tom looking deeply into her eyes with hint of malice showing in his eyes.  

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