Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Ugh what happened...Is that white cat still here..
"Raven.. you ok?" Her litter mate mumbled beside her obviously less tense. Raven's winced trying to get used to what was going on. She quickly realized she wasn't where she last was, where am I! Soft meowing sounded not to far away the chattering was accompanied by loud rustling of bushes. The forest cats... Their coming back we gotta get out of here! Raven tried to scramble to her paws but her legs were too weak to run she could only sit up before the chattering became louder. Raven's heart beat quickened she turned to her brother nervously.

"You'll be ok, Raven" He meowed his voice soothing. Why is he so calm can't he hear the forest cats coming?

"Here's the prey stealers" The voice was coming from the white cat from earlier. Panic exploded inside her as she recognized the voice, turning to her brother she mewed urgently but softly so the approaching cats won't hear.

"Come on! We have to hurry and escape now before they get here!"

"Before who gets here?" Asked a curious voice that made the fur along Raven's spine begin to prick with fear and alarm. Spinning around she found herself face-to-face with a ginger tom with green eyes. He's the same cat from before! Her panic began to increase and she stumbled backwards into her brother who hissed in irritation.
"Hey it's okay, I'm not going to hurt you, my name is Brackenpaw, what is yours?" Raven just blinked, unsure of whether to be shocked, relieved, or suspicious. Then she noticed the young tom's gaze changed to focus on something behind her and she suddenly heard the chattering of the approaching cats stop.

"Brackenpaw stop talking with that prey stealer!" Glancing over she felt her fear as well as dismay begin to rise up as she saw the white tom appear along with a bright ginger tom with narrowed amber eyes. Taking a few steps back she found herself pressed up against her brother as the bright ginger tom stopped in front of her, eyeing her curiously. When he spoke there was a heir of authority about him that made it obvious that whoever this cat was, he was in charge.

"Be quiet Whitefall, this is not your place to speak. Kittypets, what are you names?"
Instantly Raven and her brother bristled, they hated being called kittypets especially since they had not been born kittypets. Her fear was instantly forgotten and she took a step to the bright ginger tom and hissed in anger,

"We are not kittypets!"

"Well you reek like a kittypet to me!" Growled the white tom tauntingly, his eyes glowing.

"Silence!" Hissed the bright ginger tom, silencing the white tom with a warning stare before turning to Raven. Raven could obviously tell she had angered the ginger tom but she didn't care, no one could call her and her brother a kittypet. When the tom spoke again his tone was calm,
"Very well then, what are you?" Raven opened her mouth to reply but she paused when she couldn't think of anything. Suddenly feeling uncertain she took a step back from the ginger tom and glanced questioningly at her brother hoping he could have the answer. When he shook his head as well with a look that reflected her own uncertainty, she ducked her head slightly. Feeling the ginger toms gaze look down on her she shuffled her paws slightly.
"My name is Redstar, I am the leader of Thunderclan, may I ask you what your names are?"
Glancing towards her brother uncertainly, she looked back to Redstar and mewed,

"My name is Raven.. my brother is called Pepper..." Pepper instantly bristled he opened his mouth to say something but the leader cut him off.

"What were you two doing in our territory?" Redstar meowed stepping forwards he looked curious.

"Your territory?" Pepper meowed, challenging the tall cat. Raven felt her heart beat quicken when she saw the white cat growl.

"Pepper stop!" Raven hissed at her brother she put her tail on his chest stopping him from lashing out. The white tom's eyes made it clear he was furious. Raven glanced to Redstar, to her surprise he looked impressed. The white tom flashed out a paw towards Pepper but he ducked and the tom snarled and went to leap at him but Redstar stopped him.

"That's enough Whitefall, these loners have had enough" Redstar said calmly. Redstar glanced at Raven and her brother, his eyes showed a bit of sympathy. Does he think we are kits? We can clearly fight! Raven growled to herself.
"Where do you plan on going" Redstar meowed. Raven frowned she hadn't thought about that quickly she turned to her brother who was holding back rude comments.

"I don't know" Raven meowed confused on why he asked. Redstar looked at the cat called Whitefall his eyes blank with expression.

"You can stay with us for a while" Redstar offered. Raven's eyes widened in shock when the leader spoke. Beside her, she could hear her brother start to growl and could see his ears instantly flatten through the corner of her eye.

"We don't need to stay here with you! We can be perfectly fine on our own!" As he spoke Raven could see her brother's eyes blazing with confidence, however Raven felt a tiny prickle of doubt. Glancing over to the 3 cats, she noticed that the white cat called Whitefall was glaring at Pepper with barely disguised hatred while the smaller ginger tom was staring at her with a frown on his face. Feeling a tiny bit warm she ducked her head slightly to avoid seeing the leaders gaze, he's probably furious...

"I do not doubt for a second that you will be incapable of caring for yourself, however at the current moment it appears that you have nowhere to go and the only current place that you'll be able to stay at is twolegplace." Raven's ears instantly flattened, anywhere but there, she thought with a shudder. Glancing over to her brother she blinked when she saw him frown he was probably regretting acting so rude. Whitefall's eyes were narrowed he was probably furious with his leader.

"I suppose we could stay a few days" Raven nodded to Redstar, she instantly noticed her brothers look of disgust but also relief. Redstar dipped his head and beckoned them with his tail. Raven followed behind her eyes were alert for danger, she jumped again when she heard a voice behind her, it was the ginger tom's voice.

"I'm glad you decided to stay" he smiled lightly bounding up beside her he opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by Pepper.

"Who said we are staying, we're only visiting," he hissed in a low tone staring into the tom's magnificent green eyes. Pepper lashed his tail lightly, Raven could tell he was exhausted. The ginger tom waited a bit before continuing to talk and when he had continued to speak once more it was when they had reached a small tunnel that led into a large clearing. Raven blinked in amazement at how large the clearing was and jumped a bit when she heard the tom speak once more.

"I'm glad you're visiting, I can't wait to show you to my clanmates" He meowed his voice hinted with excitement. Raven blinked there is more of them? Mother did say something about large groups of wild cats, oh Raven what have you gotten yourself into! Raven noticed the ginger tom looking into her eyes. Are you trying to understand what I'm thinking? She thought still staring in his beautiful green eyes. Raven felt safe under the toms gaze but felt a small stab of disappointment when he looked away. She turned her head to follow his gaze and blinked when she noticed two cats walking towards them, one was a black and white she-cat with green eyes and the other was a white she-cat with ginger patches.

"Hello," meowed the black and white-cat while dipping her head in greeting.
"My name is Dapplepaw, and she is my denmate Gingerpaw." The black and white cat gestured with her tail to the white and ginger she-cat and before Raven realized it, she was also dipping her head in the same formal gesture.

"Hello, my name is Raven and he is my brother Pepper." She gestured towards her brother with her tail and she frowned slightly when she saw him staring at her like she was a mouse brain.
The two she-cats smiled at her and the black and white she-cat called Dapplepaw meowed,

"Redstar asked us to show you to where you'll be sleeping, please come with us."

"Okay," she mewed and began to follow the she-cats, as they walked she could feel her brother's gaze bore into her back and glancing over in the corner of her eye she saw him giving her an accusing glare. This is all your fault, if you didn't run off we would be half way out of twoleg place by now! Raven sighed what are we going to do?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2015 ⏰

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