Chapter 1

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      "Fifteen men on a dead man's chest," Mr. Gibbs drunken singing voice fills the salty night air as he walks around the Pearl, "Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum." I sit on the stairs leading up to the helm and nervously bounce my leg, awaiting Jack's return. "Drink and the devil had done for the rest," Mr. Gibbs continues, making his way over to me, "Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum," he offers me his bottle and I grab it, taking a large swig as a bell tolls in the distance. Gibbs looks up to the sky as a group of crows passes overhead. I take yet another swig as I stand up to pace around the deck. "Don't worry lass," Mr. Gibbs says, "you and I both know that he can't stand to be away from his lady," he winks, "or the Pearl." I chuckle and stare out onto the ocean, waiting.

   Not too long later and Mr. Gibbs holds out his hand that Jack plops a skeletal leg into, climbing aboard the Pearl.
   "Not quite according to plan," I say, draping Jack's coat around his shoulders.
    "Complications arose, ensued, were overcome," he responds, turning to kiss me on the cheek before walking off with me by his side.
   "You got what you went in for, then?" Mr. Gibbs asks, trailing behind us. Jack hums in agreement, continuing to walk, and nods before pulling a piece of cloth out of his belt. He stops and turns to see the crew staring at him.
    "Captain, I think the crew," Mr. Gibbs speaks up, "meaning me as well, we're expecting something a bit more....shiny," he says, wiggling his fingers at Jack. "What, with the Isla de Muerta going all pear-shaped, reclaimed by the sea and the treasure with it."
    "And the Royal Navy chasing us around the Atlantic," a dark-skinned crew member says, continuing Mr. Gibbs' sentence.
     "And the hurricane," Marty speaks up and I slightly wince as a chorus of "aye" erupts from the rest of the crew.
    "All in all, it seems some time since we did a speck of honest pirating," Gibbs leans closer to Jack, expectantly.
    "Shiny," Jack says.
    "Aye, shiny," Mr. Gibbs replies.
    "Is that how you're all feeling, then?" Jack asks, turning to the crew, "That perhaps dear old Jack is not serving your best interests as captain?" The crew looks at each other and I slowly move to grip my sword.
   "Walk the plank," Cotton's parrot squawks and Jack cocks his pistol, aiming at it.
    "What did the bird say?!" he yells.
    "Don't blame the bird," the dark-skinned man speaks up again, "Show us what is on that piece of cloth there." Just then, Barbossa's monkey screeches, dropping down from a mast and grabbing the cloth out of Jack's hand. He screams and shoots his pistol at it and misses. I draw my gun and shoot as well, causing the monkey to drop the cloth.
    "You both know that don't do no good," Mr. Gibbs says as Marty picks up the cloth.
    "It does me," I reply over my shoulder, chuckling.
    "It's a key," Marty speaks up, looking at the cloth confused.
    "No. Much more better," Jack says, rushing over and grabbing the cloth from him, "it is a drawing of a key," he shows the picture to the rest of us. My eyes widen in fear and I gulp as I stare at the drawing. The rest of the crew approaches, a lot less impressed.
    "Gentlemen," Jack says, "what do keys do?"
   "Keys," the wheels start to turn in the pirates' heads, "unlock things?" one of them says, unsure.
    "And whatever this key unlocks, inside there's something valuable," Mr. Gibbs tries piecing it together, "So we're setting out to find whatever this key unlocks."
   "No," Jack says, pointing at him, "if we don't have the key, we can't open whatever we don't have that it unlocks. So what purpose would be served in finding whatever need be unlocked, which we don't have, without first having found the key what unlocks it?" Jack asks the crew.
    "So...we're going after this key!" Gibbs exclaims.
    "You're not making any sense at all," Jack replies before addressing the crew, "Any more questions?"
   "So," Marty starts, "do we have a heading?"
   "Ah! A heading," Jack pulls out his compass and watches it spin, "let's sail in a general..." I watch him confused until he points to his left. "That way- direction."
    "Captain?" Gibbs asks and Jack snaps his compass closed, turning towards the helm.
   "Come on, snap to it and set sail. You know how this works. Go on!" Jack says before making his way towards the helm.
    "Jack...are you sure this is a good idea?" I ask trailing close behind him.
    "Love," he stops, turning to me and smiling, "I never am." I sigh and smile back, ready for our next big adventure.

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