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Chapter Five | The Art of Cereal



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"SO THEY TAKE THESE SUGARY RAINBOW THINGS and put them with all this wheat... and they sell it just like this?" Kalliope held a marsh mellow Lucky Charm between her fingers, staring at it suspiciously.

Since the morning scare, they transitioned to a safer and more formal area of the house. The kitchen.

Jeremy made quick work with getting Kalliope something to eat, setting a bowl of milk and his favorite cereal in front of her. The brunette stared at it for a good moment before asking him a series of questions that had Jenna trying not to laugh in the background.

Thus, his response came easily. "Yep, just like that. It's good."

"And they make a profit?" She muttered dubiously, pushing the marshmellow between her lips. Kalliope was pleasantly surprised at the sweet taste and how it easily melted on her tongue. Her eyes lit up as she chewed, turning to the young teenage boy. "Oh, its like a sugar cube. I understand now."

Jeremy chuckled, nodding his head in agreement. "Good, here's a spoon." He handed her the utensils and to everyone's amusement, she started digging into the ceramic bowl with proper and measured movements.

Rounding the island, Jenna grabbed herself a well needed cup of hot coffee. "So, can we just clear the air here because I'm still a little confused."

"Alright," Kalliope swallowed gently. She really liked these Lucky Charms alot. The future was so advanced than she'd first imagined it be. "My chalice. You called upon me by saying the right words, correct? Which means I appear and grant you a wish of sorts."

The ginger's eyebrows furrowed, "A genie. Like... Genie from Aladdin? Except you're not blue, floating or incredibly obnoxious."

"I... I'm afraid I don't know to whom you're referring to. But if this Genie can grant you wishes than... yes, I am that."

Jeremy's lips parted in astonishment, "Woah. Cool, can I have a new skateboard?"

Kalliope shook her head in denial. "Actually, I meant Jenna specifically. She summoned me, she gets the wish. But be warned, there is a catch."

"There's always a catch," Jenna sighed to which her nephew pursed his lips, agreeing with her silently.

Just then, Elena walked into the room, snapping her cell phone closed. Her face eluded to her worries, causing frown lines in the middle of her forehead. Kalliope thought she looked exhausted for her youthful age. There was a time when kids could simply be children, but it seemed even that changed over the decades.

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