Friends in Low Places

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The sun streamed through the blinds of the window, leaving bright white lines across the whole room. Just bright enough to finally get Leafy to open his eyes. His lids stuck together a bit and he brought an index finger up to wipe the goo out of the corners and onto his pants. The night had been long. Constant bouncing between Twitter and Skype messages kept him up for quite a while. Still, he had managed to get the recommended eight hours for the first time in a while.

His heart dropped again. That content cop really happened. His social blade stats resembled the drop of a cartoon cliff. He sat up quickly, his hand springing to the drawer next to him, digging through it content. No rattles. Nothing. His eyes scanned the messy room. Nothing. He took a deep breath and slammed the drawer shut. Shoving through the mess of blankets and pillows on the floor, he dragged himself to the kitchen where the microwave was beeping. 

Opening the door revealed that it was Dylan making the racket in the kitchen. He removed some pizza rolls out of the microwave and turned around. Leafy watched him jump a little. Clearly he hadn't heard him leave his room. He said nothing as he left Leafy alone in the kitchen. Leafy rolled his eyes at the fact that Dylan seemed to refuse to say anything to him. Petty Drama. Nothing new.

His keys rested on the counter with a little yellow sticky note. He pulled the note off and read it. "Talk to me when you're ready to talk about it," the note read. He crumpled the paper up and stuffed it into his pocket. There was nothing to talk about. He figured Dylan would get over his paranoia eventually.

A few bottles in the refrigerator door rattled as he opened it. His eyes skimmed through its contents. Not much. He sighed and took the coffee creamer out and called up a restaurant to deliver some breakfast. Twitter was still blowing up. Abandoning his coffee, he returned to his room and called Grade.

Grade pushed the weights to the side and grabbed his phone. His shoulders burned from the intensity of the workout. He breathed hard and his heart thrummed in his chest as he went to answer the call. He hadn't expected Leafy to actually call him again.

"Hey mate what's going on?" Grade said.

"You fucking someone? Like is this not a good time?" Leafy asked. He watched the ceiling move on his phone as Grade went to sit on a bench.

"I wish. No, I'm just working out." He replied.

Leafy realized his messy desk was in the background and turn his phone rapidly to face the ceiling. The trash bag crinkled under his fingers as he walked around the room, throwing away the energy drink cans.

"What are you doing?" Grade asked.

"Just gotta pick some stuff up." Leafy mumbled.

"So you called me so I can stare at your ceiling?" Grade asked.

"No." Leafy said, turning the phone back to face himself.

He glanced over Grade's body. It shined with sweat. He really was building some serious muscles. Leafy wondered if he could stick a workout regiment as he watched his friend's Adam's apple move while he drank water. 

"How long have you been working out?" He asked.

"Since I started saving up for a house. Almost got that all sorted out finally." Grade replied.

"That's good, man." Leafy said. Suddenly that slide from the content cop creeped into this mind. "Hey Grade?"

"Yeah what's up?"

"What do you think of gay people?" Leafy asked.

"What do you mean?" Grade asked.

"Like how do you feel about all of that" 

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