Part 5

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Shrieks erupted from inside the maze, everyone's heads turned from side to side as they tried to find where the noises were coming from. Each side of the maze began to open, revealing three other doors along with the original. Four entrances revealed long corridors, dozens of grievers began to spill through the door ways, shrieking as they came through.

Everyone began to run in opposite directions, Newt grabbed Harpers' hand and pulled her away to the meeting hut, others were already on their way. A griever began to run after them, the metal of its legs groaning with each movement. Harper stopped in her path and held both of her hands out in front of her, streams of fire shot out from her hands, pushing the griever back and burning its body, the entirety of her eyes turned red and she screamed out, blood dripped from her ears. She lowered her hands and the fire disappeared, a dead griever was stood in front of them, she wiped the blood from her ears. Newt ran over to her and put her arm around his shoulder, he held her by her waist and pulled her into the hut. They went over and hid in a corner with a few others. Giant legs busted through the roof, pulling boys out as they retreated. Yells came from all around, all of the boys screamed out in pain as they were taken.
"I have to do something." Harper whispered.
"What could you even do?" Minho asked.
"Anything. Just anything to stop this."
"Like what?" Thomas said.
"I know." She exclaimed.

She stood up and ran out of the door, the others stood up and ran after her, she ran into the middle of the glade and lit her entire body on fire, catching the attention of every griever, they all ran towards her. She closed her eyes and sighed. Her eyes opened and they were enirely red, again, her body began to rise, lifting her into the air, the wind picked up around her, blowing her hair in every direction, she held her arms out to the side of her body.
"GET DOWN!" She yelled as loudly as she could.

Everyone sat down and held their hands over their ears, they all watched her, completely astonished. The fire around her suddenly disappeared and red rings shot out of her, they were rings of energy, shuving the grievers back and making it impossible to come closer to her, the rings exploded out of her, another yell broke out from her lips and the grievers retreated back through the doors. Everywhere was quiet, the rings had stopped forming from her body but she was still stuck in the air, her eyes were closed and the wind was still blowing everywhere.

Everyone ran over to her, Newt was the first there, he tried to reach for her ankle, to pull her back down, but he couldn't reach, non of the boys could. Suddenly, she fell, Newt caught her under her arms. He lay her down on the ground.
"What wrong with her?" Someone asked.
"Did you not just see what she did? I don't imagine you can just get straight back up from that." Someone else said.
"She'll be ok, right?" Thomas asked.
Her body suddenly jolted up, she stared around at everyone's faces and her eyes turned purple.
"Hey, it's OK." Newt said.
"Are they all.. gone" She asked.
"Yeah, you got them to go away." Thomas said.
"Yeah and you could've died doing it." Newt said.
"I couldn't stand the screaming. I couldn't let anyone else die."
"Where's Alby?" Someone asked.
"He was.. taken." Harper said.
"Can't you bring him back?"
"Well, you healed him, surely you could bring him back."
"First of all, I can't bring back the dead. And if he isn't dead, how would I even get to him?"
"You can get to Newt."
"Yeah, because he is an anchor."
"How does someone become an anchor?"
"I don't know, it just happens, I don't control it."
"But-" he started.
"Can't you just leave her alone? She saved your ass, isn't that enough for you?" Newt said.

Harper stood up and looked around at all of the tired and worn out faces, everyone looked completely defeated. She saw cuts and gashes all over people and her face dropped.
"I can heal you all." She said.
"That's too dangerous, you'll get hurt." Newt said.
"I'll be ok." She smiled.

Harper walked over to the fire pit and sat down, she pulled up her sleeves and sighed. Everyone began to crowd around her, Newt sat behind her. People sat in front of Harper and she eyed their injuries. First, she healed a cut caused by some fallen wood, then, she healed a sprained wrist. Harper asked all of the people she had healed to see if there were any survivors. Two boys came out of the meeting hut with another boy, they were dragging him by his feet as he couldn't walk. Everyone moved out of the way so that they could place the boy before Harper. She saw blood coming from his stomach, she lifted his shirt to reveal a huge gash all the way across his stomach. Everyone groaned at the sight, except for Harper and Newt. Harper knelt down beside the boy, Newt put his hand on Harpers' shoulder, she turned her head to see his worried expression, she smiled slightly at him.

Harper held her hands down onto the wound, the skin began to heal over but Harper groaned in pain as his pain was being transferred to her. Her eyes shone red and her teeth clenched together. The boy was unconscious, not knowing the great amount of pain Harper was going through. Once the cut had healed, Harper threw herself backwards, away from the boy, Newt caught her, she rested her head on his chest as her face screwed up in pain. The boy sat up and looked down at his stomach, he looked up at Harper and frowned at her when he saw how she was in pain.
"You.. you didn't have to do that." He said.
"I.. I'm.. ok."
"Your hurt, what can we do?" Newt asked.
"Nothing, it.. it isn't like a physical wound.. you can't treat it."
"What can we do then?"
"Nothing, you just have.. to wait." She winced.
"How long?"
"Give me a minute."

Harper yelled out in pain and sat up, she lent her head back and black smoke rose from her mouth, she fell back again into Newts' arms and sweat beaded on her forehead.
"Is that.. normal?" Thomas asked.
"Is anything normal with her?" Gally said.
"It's fine, I'm fine now." She breathed heavily
"You're sure?" Newt asked.
"Yeah, that's supposed to happen.. it's.. about as normal as it gets." She smiled slightly.
"Ok, everyone go, no more tonight." Newt said.

Everyone began to leave until Harper and Newt were the only ones left, he pulled Harper up as he stood. He stroked his fingers along her jawline and then along her cheeks and under her eyes. Her eyes shone pink and her cheeks faded to match. A smile grew on Newts' lips, he stared into her eyes and cupped the side of her face in his palm, she rested her hand on his.

The wind picked up around them and they both appeared inside Newts' hut.
"I'm sorry." She sighed.
"What for?"
"I.. I.."
"It's OK, everything is fine." He said quietly with a smile.

He leaned his face down to her ear, his lips stroked gently along her lobe, he kissed softly.
"You were amazing tonight." He whispered as quietly as possible.
His breath trickled on her skin, sending goosebumps all over her body. He planted kisses all down her jawline and down her neck, sucking gently at her skin leaving faint red marks. She sighed with pleasure as she ran her fingers through his hair. She trailed her fingers down his back and played with the hem of his shirt. He broke away from his kisses and pulled his shirt over his head. He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her lips, for the first time. Newt pushed his tongue through his lips and Harper opened hers, their tongues tangled together. He rested his hands on her hips and squeezed the fabric in his hands. She lifted her shirt and threw it to the floor, breaking their kiss for only a moment.

Newt put his hands back on her hips, pulling her body closer to his. He backed away towards the bed, guiding Harper by her hips. He sat down and pulled her onto his lap, his hands explored the curves of her body, he trailed kisses along her cheek and down her neck, he kissed along her collar bone, sucking lightly at her skin. She ran her finger nails up and down his back, leaving gentle patterns. He grabbed her hips, lifting her and pushing her backwards. He lay down next to her and kissed her shoulder. She shifted her body closer to his, he wrapped his arm around her stomach and he kissed her shoulder over and over. They fell asleep embraced with each others touch, the warmth of their bodies soothed each other to sleep.

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