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kiyo knew that sukuna didn't do that out of pity or for anybody, however, the male still managed to get rid of the problem that was bothering the kind villagers, to which that had earned a thanks from the priestess herself.

"this tastes like shit", sukuna gagged, spitting the soup out onto the floor as the woman and koji had bowed in apology.

"I'm so sorry for the substandard hospitality, but it's just been hard to get good ingredients lately", the woman — who introduced herself as komachi — had embarrassingly apologized.

"please, I'm sorry about his behavior. he has a tendency to be quite harsh because of his upbringing", kiyo said, side glancing at the male who had just huffed and crossed his arms.

"the soup's actually very good. I'm so honored to have tried such a delicacy", kiyo smiled, finishing her bowl quickly as the woman had showed a face of relief.

"oh dear, you're too sweet".

"not at all, but I was just curious, are the crops declining because of the yōkai from earlier?", kiyo asked, noticing that the people here barely had any rice or vegetables to consume.

komachi sighed, shaking her head.

"it wasn't just because of that one...recently, it's been rumored that...that...that sukuna has been released", the woman hesitantly mumbled, to which sukuna had nearly snorted, grinning proudly.

"what does this have to deal with sukuna?", kiyo asked, knowing that the man wasn't out destroying people's crops.

"the demons have regained hope and even the smaller ones have been hopping around and creating havoc", komachi explained.

"it's all the priestess's fault!", koji chimed in, to which kiyo had glanced up.

"shh, koji, don't be rude", komachi reprimanded.

"I'm not mother! it's not like I'm talking about lady kiyo over here", the little boy smiled, to which kiyo had given a weak one back.

sukuna simply rolled his eyes at the naive humans. they truly were ungrateful and foolish in many ways.


"it's okay, I know koji didn't mean to offend me", kiyo smiled, to which the old woman had slightly dipped her head.

"but back to what we were saying, you said that more demons are coming out from their hiding? do you know for what?", kiyo asked.

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