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apparently staying out during winter wasn't such a bright idea, as the priestess was now bedridden, experiencing a high fever.

"look what you did to mama! now she's going to die!", nozomi wailed, making sukuna flick the girl on the forehead.

"she's not going to die. she just needs some rest and you two are disturbing her", the demon king scowled, feeling the miko's forehead with the back of his hand.

"I'm fine", kiyo coughed out, making sukuna snort.

"it's okay mama. nagi-san's already making you some special get well soup! and we'll stay beside you the entire day", nozomi exclaimed.

kiyo weakly smiled.

"I'm sorry darlings, but I'm not sure if that's a good idea considering you both are still half-human and could catch my fever", kiyo softly mumbled.

both kitsunes' ears drooped, along with their heads, making kiyo let out a nasally chuckle.

"how about once I get well we can all play together in the snow? with many layers of clothing of course".

nozomi perked up at that idea, clapping her hands together as hakaku had furiously nodded.

"okay!! get better faster mama! we'll go help out nagi-san", nozomi said as she pulled hakaku up, running off.

kiyo quietly sighed as she then diverted her attention to the demon king, who had made no attempt to get out of the futon.

"will you not be getting ready today? I'm afraid I'm not in the condition to entertain you as of currently", kiyo sniffled, pulling the blanket up to her neck as she felt like a sushi roll.

"ah, that reminds me that I have somewhere to go. I'll be back later", sukuna stated as he quickly kissed kiyo's nose as he left, leaving the priestess all alone.

kiyo had secretly wished that sukuna would've stayed, but didn't exactly mind, as uraume was soon sent in to read to the miko, per sukuna's request.

"why're you not in bed? and where's uraume?"

"why're you holding a stack of papers?", kiyo asked, avoiding sukuna's questions.

"answer me first".

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