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"are you both friends of junpei?", the slender woman with shoulder-length black hair questioned as kiyo had smiled.

"indeed. it's a pleasure to meet you..."

"just call me nagi", the woman weakly smiled back, coughing a bit as kiyo could tell that her lungs were deprecating from the toxins that she's inhaling from her kiseru.

perhaps it was her addiction to tobacco that's leading them to poverty.

"I'm gojō kiyo and this is my friend fushiguro megumi", kiyo introduced, shaking hands with the woman as she offered them a seat in their humble home.

"welcome, welcome!! I'm so sorry there's not much...", the woman bashfully chuckled.

"no worries, we've actually brought some gyōza with chili oil for you two", kiyo said, setting the basket of fresh dumplings down on the table as yoshino had to turn away for a moment from salivating too much.

"oh my! you shouldn't have. please, at least stay for dinner. it's the least that I could do", the woman insisted, already taking out the scarce utensils from the cupboard.

"thanks for having us then", kiyo smiled, sitting beside fushiguro as yoshino was on the other side of her.

once everyone had settled, yoshino's mother had lifted up the lid, letting the delectable smell of gyōza fill everyone's nostrils.

"well, let's dig in!", nagi clapped as everyone had promptly grabbed their chopsticks.

"say, gojō-san, are you and fushiguro-kun..."

kiyo looked up confused. "hm?"

"no, we're not together. kiyo-san's like an older sister to me", fushiguro answered, to which kiyo's heart had bloomed a bit at fushiguro's kind words.

"a-ah...my apologies for assuming then", nagi chuckled, to which kiyo had just shook her head.

"no worries. I'm not really in the position to have a relationship and neither am I into younger guys", kiyo chuckled.

"oh my! I should've known from the appeal. sorry for the questions", nagi laughed, to which kiyo had joined in.

"it's quite alright", the girl replied.

"but you said you're not into younger guys...you don't look too old, gojō-san. how young are we talki—"

nagi suddenly felt her son gently kick her leg under the table, making her playfully glare at him as his face lit up with embarrassment.

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