Chapter Seven

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   Over the next few weeks, they followed a repeated pattern and he felt like the tension was going to snap his neck. He escorted her to the office and back to his house again against his better judgement and she would take a bath, fall asleep and then he would take her out to put her in his bed. They had seen her ex-fiance trying to stake out her office almost every day that she insisted in going in. Today was grocery day as he grimly eyed her curled up in a chair reading a book. He left her where she was as he went in search of Pride. When he found him he motioned for him to stay put as he approached.
"I need to get groceries or we will be out of food. She is upstairs reading a book and I would prefer if she did not know I left the house. Keep a close eye out until I come back. I am trusting her safety to you."
"You're the boss. Run along boss man, we got this."
   With a grunt, he grabbed his coat and keys as he headed out the door. He waited for the click of the lock before going to his car. He made a mental list of what to grab, remembering that Jayni had mentioned she missed having oatmeal for breakfast. He went into the store, grabbing a cart to dump food into. He grabbed what he needed before heading to the breakfast isle to eye all the different oatmeal there was. He opted for 2 big variety boxes of oatmeal before starting to head for the registers. He heard the foot steps coming towards him before he felt the tap on his shoulder. He turned slowly, taking a defensive stance as he eyed the man that had tapped him on the shoulder. The man couldn't have been much taller than Jayni was but held a malice as he eyed Halle up and down.
"So you must be the new meat. Always knew she preferred them meaty and brainless. I'd watch yourself if I was you. She will grow tired of you and get rid of you like she did me."
"You must be the ex douchebag. If I were you I'd let it go and disappear."
"She will come back to me you know. She always comes back eventually."
"I doubt she will be eager to return to her abuser."
"I didn't abuse her. I put her in line when she stepped out of it. You'd be good to do the same."
"You used your fists to keep her in line. I prefer her the way she is. Guess that's what makes us different."
"Enjoy her while you can dick. I will get her back."
"Over my dead cold body."
   He leaned down towards his face letting his eyes show the barely contained rage he felt building in his chest. He smiled coldly at the man as he blanched of color.
"You may feel big and bad beating on a woman but I assure you that I am no easy target. You make one step towards her in any way and it'll be me you find. I welcome the fight."
"A..are you threatening me?"
"No. I made you a promise and you'll do good to remember it."
   He straightened, giving him one last look of contempt before making his way to the check out. He paid for his purchase and walked it out to his vehicle. He kept his body in front of the plate as he pulled his phone out to call the house.
"This is Pride speaking."
"House goes on lock down now. The bastard came right up to me in the store. The balls on this guy thinking that she was sleeping with me and he could scare me away from her like a brainless twit. I'll be there soon."
"Got it boss."
   He peered around, noting the man was a few rows away eyeing him with seething anger that he could feel. He gave a smirk and a wave as he closed the trunk and got in. He knew he would have to lose him but he felt renewed with a purpose. He sped out of the parking lot, turning the opposite direction of his house. He looked behind him, noting the man was attempting to keep up with him. He smirked as he made a sudden turn onto another street and immediately turning onto another one before he could turn onto the first one. He made several more turns before turning into a wrap around alley that he made sure to be pointed towards the roadway as he sat with his foot on the break. He waited with the patience of a predator as cars drove past him without a clue he was hidden there. The man he was waiting for drove past, slamming his hand against his steering wheel as he continued on down the road. Waiting for the man to turn onto another street, he turned and headed towards home. After unloading the groceries, he went back out to move the car into the garage he hadn't used yet. No use in advertising his home to the insane man.  The groceries were already put away when he made it back inside, so he went to find Jayni. She was asleep in the chair he had left her in with a book open in her lap. He moved the book, careful not to lose her page as he lifted her into his arms to carry her to bed. His heart stopped beating before hammering itself against his ribs as she snuggled against his chest with a sigh. His body stirred to life as he breathed her scent in causing a soft growl to slip from his lips as he set her under the covers of the bed. A nice cold shower is what he needed to get himself under control.
   He grabbed a pair of sleeping pants before entering his bathroom with a click of the door. He turned on the water before stripping his jeans and the rest of his clothes before stepping under the spray. The water stung his hypersensitive skin as he tried to get his urges under control. He palmed himself as he imagined what it would feel like to bury himself in her soft heat. He pumped himself slowly at first, picking up his pace as his imagination took control. He growled as he felt the tingling starting at the base of his skull and running down his spine. He felt his release rippling through him before the tidal wave hit, stars bursting in front of his eyes as he bit down on his lip to keep from crying out with his release. He panted as he stood under the cooling spray. He was a sick bastard to fantasize about a woman that held no interest in him. Shaking his head at the thought, he shut off the water and toweled himself off. He slipped his sleeping pants on before exiting the bathroom. With one last look at the sleeping form in his bed, he left to go in search of something to do to prevent himself from doing anything she or himself would hate him for.

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