Bullying Bonnie Morgan!

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When Bonnie was 12 she loved life, loved school and loved waking up in the morning, then it all changed she started hating school, not wanting to wake up in the morning all because of one little word ,'BULLYING'.

Bonnie went to Damned Star Primary School Western Australia, she was the most smartest most prettiest girl in her year of Primary School. She had beautiful long brown hair and gorgeous brown eyes, with a glowing smile ever time she used to walk through the classroom door. Bonnie wasn't a show off, or a bitch but she loved going to the library and reading a book, and it is guaranteed by a lot of people that if you see Bonnie around she would most certainly have her head stuck in a book. Bonnie was a harmless young lady and she always greeted friends when they walk passed, she had very few friends, she was pretty but she wasn't that popular. She was very good at her maths, her english, her religion and her science too. All the girls didn't like her but she didn't know what she did wrong, she asked her friend Jasmine which was a very placid young girl too, and she sat there listening carefully,

'What did I do so wrong to deserve this.'

'Nothing, you did nothing, they are girls that talk bad about other people behind their back, but you will be fine, just don't worry about them, ok, just remember we only have 2 months left and then we are finished primary school.'

Bonnie and Jasmine had to walk to the science room from their home classroom, they stopped and had a drink, but this viscous, cruel girl named Saskia that hated Bonnie for her looks, pushed her into the water when she was drinking from the drink fountain. So Bonnie looked like she had wet her pants and everyone who saw her laughed vaguely. Bonnie went straight to the office and they called her mum. Tracey, Bonnie's mum asked what happened, then Bonnie said

'I will talk to you in the car.'

So then Bonnie and Tracey got in their blue Suzuki swift and drove away, leaving Jasmine to put up with all the gossiping about Bonnie. Bonnie then was talking to her mother saying,

'Mum there are these girls that always hassle me about everything I do, I don't know what to do, like today I was drinking from the drink fountain and then Saskia pushed me, I don't like going to school anymore,' Bonnie argued.

'It's okay honey, just remember what we say to you, know matter what people say about you we all love you very much,' Tracey said calmly.

One month later, Bonnie got out of her blue Suzuki swift, arrived at Damned Star Primary School and walked to the library, waiting for the 8:30 bell to go. While Bonnie was waiting for Jasmine she quickly went to the toilet, when she finished she got out of the toilet cubicle, washed her hands and headed for the doorway, she took one step out of the toilets and saw these four girls lined up, Saskia, Amber, Taylor and Sarah they all looked at her with disgrace and Amber said,

'Why do you look so perfect all the time, you show off so much,' said Amber in a bitchy tone.

'Why do you always hang around the boys,' said Taylor spitefully.

'Don't you have any friends' said Sarah annoyingly.

Bonnie was speechless, she tried to get out of the toilet area, but they all pushed her in a cubicle and locked her door. She couldn't get out and then, Jasmine was suspicious, she knew that Bonnie would get here before her, and saw Saskia, Amber, Taylor and Sarah coming out from the toilets giggling and laughing while Jasmine walked past.
Jasmine bolted to the toilets and heard Bonnie screaming,

'Help, Help, Help,' getting louder and louder each time.

Jasmine screamed out 'Bonnie where are you.'

'Jasmine I'm in the third cubicle from the left, please help me.' Bonnie said nervously.

Jasmine let her out and they made their way to the classroom, at this point Bonnie was still shaken up, the look on her face was as if she was about to cry. In the middle of the day she went to the office and said she was sick, the office ladies rang Tracey her mum, she came and picked Bonnie up and so when they entered Tracy's sports car, they talked for about half an hour, talking about what they can do to solve this.

Tracy sat Bonnie down and talked to her calmly,

'What are these girls names,' Tracey said Anxiously.

'Sarah, Saskia, Amber and Taylor,' Bonnie said with disgrace.

Bonnie went back to school 2 weeks later and it was the very last day of high school, she was as happy as pig in mud. Bonnie and Jasmine were going to the same high school which was a good thing and the other good thing is that Saskia, Amber, Taylor and Sarah weren't going to the same school as her, she was thankful for that. Everyday after school Jasmine and Bonnie went to each other's houses, so this afternoon Bonnie is going to Jasmines house for a sleepover, since it was the last day of school. So they both arrived at school and they were talking about what they were doing and all of that stuff.
Then Amber came up to Bonnie and said

'Can we be able to talk,' said Amber calmly, which is leaving Bonnie and Jasmine curious.

Bonnie and Jasmine went to the side and started talking to Amber for a few minutes it was very awkward, she was just talking to us randomly and it felt like she cared a little about Bonnie and Jasmine and had respect for them.

'So how are you? What are you guys doing today?.' Amber said carefully.

'U-u-umm we a-a-are good,' said Bonnie, talking nervously and stuttering a lot.

'Well that's good,' said Amber walking off.

Bonnie and Jasmine looked at each other awkwardly, thinking what is going on and wasn't that a little bit strange. So the 8:30 bell rang they ran to there classroom, never looking back thinking that there is a stampede at the back of us. They entered the classroom and their teacher did the checklist. We all had English then Maths and After that we had Recess. The time that we did that, it flew like the wind, then it came 3:00 and all the student were getting sad, but not Bonnie and Jasmine because with the amount of Bullying Bonnie has gone through was atrocious.

Jasmines mum picked Bonnie up from school and Jasmine and Bonnie both talked about what they were going to do on the holidays, but they were thinking of just chilling out and taking it as it comes.

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