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Her stomach turned, even with the absence of a meal, and she watched as the familiarity of her room swirled and warped into a pool of patterns.

The walls were the first to melt away, the destruction climbing upwards and taking the ceiling with it.

She watched the view from the window turn to a single smudge of black and the dim white glow of the lights outside strung lines through it.

The bed crumbled altogether along with the floor and then her feet were stood on nothing. Everything around her was new black, still hints of dirty brown scattered through it.

Her room had turned into a void. All the familiarity vanished. All accept the boy in front of her.

His eyes hadn't seemed to have wandered as when she turned to look at him, he was already staring back.

Hermione felt drawn to him. Like the last of her hope lived within Draco himself. She supposed that was true.

He looked peaceful, eyes boring into hers, hands still clutching each other hard enough to crush bone and fingertips pressing into skin. The pain was distant in the chaos, but Hermione knew she would feel it later.

Shards of the darkest green began to spring towards her. Hermione wasn't sure whether the worlds transformation actually made any sound at all, from Draco's expression it didn't, but her ears roared with intensity and she was glad, she wouldn't be able to bare silence.

Soon the old walls of her room was replaced with trees, green grass for as long as she could see took the place of marble and in the distance behind her, a building made entirely of red bricks stood tall.

Hermione fell to the floor, limbs trembling, stomach turning but she gave it no thought considering she had nothing to bring back up anyway.

The grass below her was damp and forgiving as the ground squelched under her weight. Her hands were pressed into the ground in front of her, and in front of a pair of shoes.

Hermione followed the path of the body, starting at his shoes and then landing on his eyes.

She had recognised him when her eyes grazed his hands but she continued up to his face nonetheless.

Draco was stood in front of her, unbothered by her position and already consulting with a few men.

The sound of low voices hummed through the air and she didn't have to look around to understand just how large the numbers of Death Eaters present were.

A ring of dull silver was exchanged between the two parties and Hermione stifled a shiver.

Before she could blink, a hand had grabbed the top of her arm, yanking her upwards and she stood, searching the area for the men that had tried to take her the previous morning. But the perimeter around them was empty and so Hermione turned back to Draco to find him staring sternly at her.

She followed his outstretched arm to the place where it gripped hers.

"Lift up your hair." He said firmly, face guarded with his usual facade. She would admit, it was weird seeing his mask in use again considering it had failed him so many times recently back at the manor. Though now, it was quite convincing.

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