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The heat from the distant fire sunk deep into Hermione's skin and her cheeks turned a rosy pink. As of late, she hadn't been very busy and found herself with a lot of free time in which she spent mostly at the library. The library was usually vacant, even more so after curfew which is when Hermione strategically decided to visit.

She had been reciting Lord Byron's poems when interrupted by a heavy thud on the opposite side of the bookshelf. Hermione glanced up but the isle was empty, filled only by the delicate sound of her light inhalations. Finally, she huffed as she rose in curiosity and slowly rounded the corner. Malfoy eyed the witch, barely acknowledging her presence as he turned back to his book. The two hadn't spoken for at least two weeks, Christmas had come and gone and it was now mid January. "Granger, I think you're going mad." He said, dampening his middle and ring finger with his tongue as he turned the page.

Hermione didn't reply. She narrowed her eyes and frowned and although he wasn't looking, Draco knew to elaborate as he spoke again. "If you're going to talk to yourself, at least cast a mufliato or actually check you're alone." He mocked her and she scoffed, louder than necessary causing his eyes to flicker towards her.

"I was reciting poetry. Not that it's any of your concern." She folded her arms defensively across her chest, attempting to stand tall and possibly try come off as intimidating. She didn't have much faith it would work. Draco scoffed, shaking his head as he closed his book and dropped it to a pile already splayed out across the floor; that explained the thud. He had created his own tower of discarded books. As he began to walk towards her, Hermione cowered back in attempt to conjure as much distance between them as possible. But Draco walked fast.

"Don't mistake my advice for concern, Granger." His tone was raucous and Hermione swallowed hard as he neared her, eyeing her from head to toe. Her tall stance had failed miserably as she shrunk downwards in response to him, pressing her back into the bookshelf she had backed into. He smirked, resting both arms firmly either side of her head, trapping her between himself.

He began to close the space between them, dropping his face towards her at an angle she thought perfect to fit hers against. Hermione could sense him smirking as she stood, breathless and still. Their lips brushed.

Hermione pushed him away with such a force, he would've thought to be impaled. The extent of her hands on his chest was so puissant, he was winded and stumbled backwards, frowning and betrayed. "The fuck, Granger." He growled.

"What are we doing?" Hermione said. He swallowed at her boldness. He hadn't expected it and his mask flickered for a faint second before he straightened his posture and returned to his usual blank expression. "We aren't doing anything." He turned his focus to the book shelf he had collided with  and he skimmed the titles before sliding one out.

"You know we are." She scoffed as she frowned in disbelieve, all Draco ever seemed to do was deny. Like he didn't know how to face the truth. He opened the aged looking book. Whether or not he was actually reading it, or just distracting himself didn't concern Hermione as she stood reluctant to leave without an answer. "Did you think I was actually going to kiss you?" He snorted, Grinning down at the books stained pages, shaking his head.

"Would I be so wrong if I had?" Hermione raised an eyebrow at him. She saw his jaw tense as he stayed silent, skimming half-heartedly across the words of the book he gripped so tight his knuckles turned yellow. She grew frustrated, her words strained. "Apposed to that night at the lake, can you blame me?" She said and his breathing became unsteady. He was looking at her now, a straight expression but hints of regret and anger clouded his eyes dangerously.

"What do you want, Granger?" He said but the question was rhetorical. "Do you think we can fall in love and live happily ever after in a cottage somewhere in the countryside? Is that was you think?" Hermione watched his facade begin to fall, the fault was his eyes, after that his mask crumbled easily. Her mouth opened to speak but her words betrayed her and her throat felt increasingly tight.

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