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Hermione was late for dinner for the third time this week. She didnt want to admit to herself that she was avoiding Ron but it was hard to dismiss when everytime she caught a glimpse of auburn hair, the witch changed direction. She missed how close they all used to be and Hermione often thought about if her Ron had stayed just friends, it could still be like before.

The hall hadn't as many students in as usual, considering most had already eaten and her friends were easy to spot. Swallowing, she began to walk towards them. Ron gazed at her, stalking her while she walked and Ginny and Harry shared glances of concern.

"Hey." Hermione sat next to Ron and he leaned away from her, it was subtle but enough for Hermione to notice. Harry avoided her eyes and Ginny offered looks of sympathy.
"Okay, what's going on?"  Hermione huffed, dropping her fork and crossing her arms.
"When were you going to tell us?" Ron stayed staring at the table.
"Tell you what?"
"You've been seeing Malfoy."
"Ronald, I'm tutoring him for goodness sake."
"I know." He didn't look at her.
"So what's the problem?" Ron lifted his eyes to meet hers.
"Well, it's Malfoy, Hermione!"
"I am tutoring him, Ronald! You're being ridiculous." She wondered how they found out but thought better than to ask.

"I'm being ridiculous? You probably spend more time with him than you do us! You avoid us for days and not to mention, you decided to keep whatever this is," he flung a  hand upwards, "a secret."
Hermione hated to admit it, but he was right.
"Ron, it was easier that way." All four of them were quiet for a while.
"It's strange ,Hermione. You're being secretive and distant and it's strange." Ron got up to leave and Harry offered a smile before leaving with him.

Ginny stayed sat, eyeing both parties. "Gin?" Hermione stared at her expectantly but as Ginny rose, the witch looked down. "I'm sorry ,Hermione." As her only friends walked away from her, Hermione stuffed her face into her hands. She never really was a cryer, never saw much point in it. She stayed submerged in her hand until she gathered enough strength to leave.

Hermione had been in the library all night. It was past curfew and the school was abandoned so she gathered her things and made to leave. Her shoes seemed louder on the stone than during the day as she hurried down the dim lit hallway. She hoped that Ginny would be sleeping in the dorm tonight, she deserved an explanation and avoiding each other wouldn't be much help.

She began to approach the potions classroom which she ditched earlier that night. She wanted to be alone and definitely not with Draco, though she should've told him she wasn't going as she hoped he would do for her. The guilt quickly faded, the realisation that malfoy was a rude, selfish boy filtered into her brain and she rolled her eyes at the mere thought of him.

Quickly, Hermione was pulled backward by the hood of her robe. Regaining her balance, the familiar scene of the potions room came into focus along with the strong smell of mint. Draco. He stood infront of her, his right eye posing a deep purple.

"Draco?" She reached for his face but he snatched her wrist. It was close enough to him that she could feel his breath tickle the side of her hand. A sharp sting shot up her arm and her fingertips began to go numb at the strength in his grip. "You should've seen the other guy." He smirked, dropping her hand and putting his in his trouser pockets.
"Who did this to you?" She examined his face further, noticing the remnants of a bloody nose. "Ask your boyfriend." Stepping closer, he scoffed, "seemed to think you and I are sneaking around. Involved is the word he used I believe."

She doubted Ron meant sneaking around romantically as such, but it didn't surprise her that Draco took it that way. She looked down at her shoes, watching his move closer.

"So, I would like to know what it is you've been saying." Draco moved closer as Hermione stepped back, her heart beginning to beat noticeably harder, her blood flow quickened, pulsating through her at an alarming rate. "I didn't say anything."

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