7:45 pm

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7:45 pm, September 9th, present year.

         This day needed to come to an end. I didn't care that it wasn't even 8, I wanted to go to bed. Riley's light was still on, so I knew I wouldn't be waking him up.

I walked into the bathroom, brushed, flossed, and used the mouthwash that tasted like new shoes. My teeth were all prettied up, and I was ready to go to sleep and not wake up until absolutely necessary.

Suddenly all my energy left my body. My legs gave way and I collapsed to the floor. I hit the tile, and then tried to pull myself up.

I couldn't move my arms.

My legs were paralyzed as well.

I tried screaming out, but no sound was omitted from my vocal cords.

The granola bar!

I was frozen to the floor, and all of a sudden a wave of extreme tiredness swept over me. My eyelids felt like a bag of bricks, and it took all of my power to keep them open just a sliver.

But it was useless.

My eyelids shut, and then my body was unconscious on the floor of our bathroom.

*          *          *

The figure, also known as Unknown, crept through the shattered window. He landed softly, without creating a sound. He was in his victim’s room.

He looked around. He had been here earlier today, but this trip was much more important. Looking around, the figure saw pictures of his victim when the victim was a child. For a split second, the figure felt shame.

But it passed without a second thought. The figure knew why he was here. To wield the ultimate power. The power of controlling a human life. There was nothing like it.

The living room light was still on, as well as the bathroom light. The figured liked his victim’s house, where everything was on one floor. Steps were creaky and noisy. The figure crouched low, and then proceeded slowly through the living room towards the bathroom.

It was dangerous for the figure to be here. If the parents or even the brother heard him, he might have to kill them, which would be unpleasant. One of the figure’s main reasons for tormenting somebody was for the hurt that his victim’s family members would feel. Killing them would just relieve them of the pain.

He moved without making a sound. The carpet under his feet made a cushion, and any sound was absorbed by it. All the way to the bathroom he stalked.

He arrived, and carefully pushed the door open. There was the victim, lying on the ground. The victim was breathing normally, which was good. His victim still had plenty of time to live!

The figure put both his arms under his victim’s armpits and dragged him so he was sitting on the toilet seat. The figure then removed rope and tape from his pockets and began to tie the ankles and wrists of his victim. After that was completed, the figure taped his victims mouth shut. Even though his victim was unconscious, in all the good movies the killer tied and taped his victim, and the figure loved being cliché.

Finally, the figure placed a bag over the head of his victim and he was ready to leave. The figure slung his victim over his back in the fireman's hold, and the figure proceeded out of the bathroom and into the living room again. It was still empty.

Into the victim’s room the figure crept, not making a single sound. The rope that the figure had left was still there. Grabbing the rope, the figure tied it around his victim’s waist. The figure heaved his victim onto the sill, and then very slowly, pushed him off, while still holding the free rope in his hands. The figure braced his feet against the wall, and then cautiously lowered his victim down, until the body gently hit the ground. The figure let go of the excess rope, and climbed down the ladder he had used to enter.

Once the figure hit the pavement, he grabbed his victim’s body and walked to the street. The figure’s car was there, a Ford Escape. He popped the trunk and placed the body inside. The figure went back for the ladder, and set the ladder in the back seat. The figure stepped in the driver’s seat, and drove away.

Kidnapping was a tricky thing. Usually a ransom note followed a kidnapping, but the Mitchels family knew that a ransom note would never come. Since the police couldn't declare someone missing until after 48 hours, Daniels would be of no help whatsoever. The Mitchels family would be going crazy, not knowing what happened and not receiving any help from the cops. The figure smiled. Perfect.

*          *          *

            Riley wondered where Chase was. He stepped out of his room, and said, “Chase? Where are you?” No answer. The bathroom light was on. Riley poked his head in. Nobody was there. Why would Chase not be in the bathroom, yet leave the light on?

            He was frightened.

            Riley ran to his parents room, and threw open the door. They were lying on top of the covers, sound asleep. He shook their legs and when they sat up and looked at him, he yelled, “Chase is gone!”

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