11:12 pm

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 11:12 pm, September 9th, present year.

                    “Thank you sir!” Juliet finished paying for her food and rejoined me by the slushie machines. She started eating her sandwich and smiled when she swallowed the first bite.

            “Yummy! This is so good!” She giggled once than continued to chow down.

            I had my eyes on the clerk. He kept on glancing at us with a weird look. I told myself it was only because we were young, and with no parents. Well, I wasn’t young, but we were both out pretty late. There were others mingling around, but they all looked like drug addicts and drunks.

            Come on Hunter, come on.

            I suddenly thought about Juliet. What would she do once I left?

            “Juliet, are you going to walk back to the park when I leave?”


            “But it’s dark out! I don’t anything to happen to you.” She couldn’t be serious!

            “I sleep in the open every night. I think I’ll be fine.”

            I said nothing. Would she be okay? Maybe Hunter could help.

            “Juliet, I think I’ll have the person who’s picking me up drop you off also, okay?

            “You’re so nice! Thank!”

            I finished filling up my slushie container and proceeded to the checkout.

            The clerk punched in the code. “$2.77 is your total.”

            I handed him a ten and I accepted my change. Juliet came up behind me and we both walked to the front doors. I had told Hunter I’d be inside, but standing outside seemed just as a good.

            I kept my eyes open for a blue Honda Civic.

            I could hear Juliet munching away on her sandwich.

            My pocket buzzed. Hunter was calling.

            I opened it up and said, “I’m outside waiting.”

            “Alright, I’m a block away.”

            The line went dead and we waited.

            And waited.

            Time crawled and no car resembling a Honda Civic arrived.

            Finally, a blue Honda Civic pulled into the parking lot. The driver’s door opened and a man stepped out. He was about 6 foot and was very muscular. He had short brown hair that and a beard that matched his hair color. He reminded me of Daniels in the way he presented himself.

            He looked trustworthy. I needed that.

            "Chase?" he pointed at me.

            I nodded and walked over, with Juliet at my side.

            He gestured to her, and asked, "Who is she?"

            "Her name is Juliet Madyson. I met her and she needs a ride back into the center of town."

            He sighed. "Chase, I came here for you, and that's it. I can't be driving people around."

            "It’s on the way back! Right in the middle of town, come on."

            He weighed the options. "Fine, whatever, but no farther than the center. You're in danger Chase, and the sooner we get you home the better."

            "I understand. I just don't want Juliet to get hurt either."

            "Well, come on, get in the car."

            I settled in the front seat and Juliet slid in the back. Soon the engine was revved and we started to leave.

            Soon we were back where Juliet and I had first met. She started to get out, but before she totally left, I handed her a piece of paper.

            "Here, this has my phone number on it. Tomorrow at 3pm, call this number.”

            "Okay, but why then?"

            "Just because."

            "Alright! Thanks so much Chase! And thank you for the ride, Mr. Driver!"

            Hunter looked back at her and said, "You’re welcome. Now Chase and I really have to be going."

            "Bye Chase! I hope I'll see you again sometime!"

            "Me too Juliet. Bye."

            She shut the door, and we saw her walk to a bench and sit down. Hunter started the car and we were off once more.

            "Try and get some rest Chase, it's not a long drive, but any sleep would be good."

            I leaned the seat back and closed my eyes. At first sleep eluded me, but after a few minutes, my body relaxed and the weariness that had been building up washed over me.

            I let the sleep sweep my body and soon I was asleep.

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