Chapter 1

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WARNING!!!!!: very mild mention of self- harm


i know not one person here, and the looks that
people are giving me right now are telling me that im not gonna make friends any time soon. is it because im hot? i seem to misunderstand something here. maybe they're intimidated by me. who knows.

hearing snickers and sounds of disgust throughout the halls. gossip, whispers, laugh's, you name it. i can tell its all toward me because every where i look, eyes seem to be on me. dont people know its rude to stare?

could it be the spiky thigh garters, squeezing the top of my thighs? the plaid red skirt hiking up my lower back after every step i take, barely covering my bottom? or could it be the self-inflicted slashes and cuts painted across my legs? id like to think its the first two, but by the looks on these peoples faces, its probably reason number 3. coming from hearing "leg check!" by a group of scrawny teenage boys when i was walking to school this morning, i think im gonna have to go with 3.

yet, that's the least of my problems. i need to find out where the fuck i am. i had no idea where to grab my schedule, so i had to download the schools app on my phone, even that still didn't help the fact that i dont know where im going. after what felt like 5 hours which was actually 15 minutes, i finally found my 1st period. this would have been alot easier if i just asked someone near me where im supposed to be going, but most of the people here didn't seem very welcoming.

'mr. ackermans 1st period biology class' is the first thing i see when i walk upon the classroom. the words plastered acrost a red poster, written in black marker hovering over the door that leads to the classroom. whoever made this poster did a pretty shitty job.

as i open the door of the classroom, i slowly step in to see everyone sitting in their seats, and as i look over to the board in the front of the classroom, i can already see that the teacher is in the middle of teaching something, as there is a powerpoint presenting what looks like a bunch of words and shapes that i dont even understand. biology really isnt my thing.

"and you must be?" a deep, raspy voice snapping me from my thoughts; i look up to spot a man. a very, very, handsome man. his chesnut hair is parted in the middle, barely going past his eyebrows. eyes lidded, filled with slim-to-no emotion. skin smoother than a babies butt. as i slowly observe him, i notice tattoos covering his forearms, along with his neck. he's wearing a white, buttoned up dress shirt, leaving 2 buttons loose on the top, slightly exposing his tattoo covered chest, along with a brown belt and black semi-loose jeans. thick silver and black rings coat his long slender fingers. the more i look at him, the more im pulled in. this man is my fucking teacher? no wa-

"hello? you gonna stand there and stare or are you gonna answer my question?" he bluntly said. was i really staring that hard? how embarassing. i could already feel the heat rising to my face.

"u-um, right... my name is y/n l/n. im new here... i couldn't find my class and i- i didn't know where to get my schedule so i had to download this app on my ph-"
"i didn't ask for a speech. go find a seat and sit down, brat." he interrupted me. did he just call me a brat?

"okay..." as i start scoping around the classroom, hoping to find a seat as soon as possible so the attention in the room is taken off of me, i suddenly stop when i hear him start to speak again.

"you come in here, 10 minutes late, interrupt my class and waste the time we have left, and you cant even come to your senses and apologize? how disrespectful". he says, his eyes focused on the board while he's writing down notes for the class to copy.

im at a loss for words right now. by the tone of his voice, its almost as if he's trying to embarass me. it's not my fault i didn't know where the fuck i was going, its literally my first time being here. he can't cut me some damn slack? jesus, what a dick.

"jeez... sorry? you dont have to be rude...." after i said that, i started to hear gasps and sighs coming from around me. everyone turned there heads to me, and then back to who seems to be mr. ackerman. i can almost sense fear coming off of some people's faces. 'what's the big deal?' i thought, until i realized. i looked up, turning my sight back to mr. ackerman, he had this look on his face, and it wasn't pleasant, not at all. if looks could kill, i would be collapsing on the floor right now.

"seeing that you're new, im gonna let your comment slide. but just for further notice, speak to me that way again, and you'll regret you transferred to this foresaken school. are we clear?"

looking back at me as he said that, we started to make eye contact, until his eyes slowly started to move there way down my body, his eyes started to widen when he caught sight of my legs, but he quickly caught himself. clearing his throat, his eyes reverted back to mine, waiting for my response.

silence cleared the air, but the silence is loud. very loud. all i could do is nod and sit down to the nearest seat i found. i was at a loss for words. why is he so blunt? but more importantly.... why am i kind of turned on?

first chapter baby let's goooooooooooo. what do yall think? 😳

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