Chapter 1

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Y/n pov
I fell in a river. I just wanted candy. And I fell in a river. Of course! I lay on my bed after I changed my clothes. I'm lucky my 'parents' are at work until 12:30 am. Right now it's 10:00 pm. Should I get some sleep?


I'm going to watch cartoons.
Don't judge me.
I watch Steven universe, she ra,( why did these shows end? 😔) the dragon prince, and... Voltron. It been 2 years and I'm still volTORN inside. (Get it? No ok.) I used to have a dream to be a paladin and to go on the adventure with them. But it's not real sadly. I'm watching the show and suddenly I'm tired. I got downstairs and take one of my monsters from the fridge ' I'm so glad my 'parents' let me have these! But I think the only reason is because it's an energy drink' I go upstairs and drink it but I'm still tired. I get 2 more and drink them but now I feel dizzy. ' I want to throw up' I thought. But I lay down and fall asleep. I didn't want to sleep but Oh well. 

I wake up and I see myself in a room I don't recognize. Have I been kidnapped? No- I'm on a bunk bed? What!? Am I in jail? I- huh? I look under and see... PIDGE GUNDERSON? KATIE HOLT? WHAT!? I look under and see her asleep. Then I see my sleeve and see I'm in the garrison uniform. Am I in the galaxy garrison? Ya'll no- WHAT IN THE UNHOLY- I hear something under me. Is she waking up- oh she is oop-! I cover my body with my blanket and pretend I'm sleeping. She wakes up and goes to the bathroom. 'I need to brush my teeth my mouth tastes bad. Wait y/n stop getting distracted!' She comes back out in galaxy garrison uniform and I pretend to still be asleep. 'Miss please leave this is a McDonald's'
Lol no I need to brush my teeth. She leaves and I get up and brush my teeth. Why is my tooth brush here? Oh well.

I'm walking through a hall and I realize ' I CAN INSULT ZARKON TO HIS FACE!' All the things I wanted him to hear! I can finally say it!

Time skip to the simulator because I'm lazy
' IM A CO-PILOT FOR LANCE MCCLAIN!!!!' I could die! Lol anyways I need to make them fail. I can't ruin the storyline. Or else I might die or something lol and because why not?  I do nothing and make them fail. Plus if I mess something up it might lead to my death. I know I say i want to die all the time but I'm not dying without going on a magical adventure.

Timeskip because It's 7 am don't judge me I'm tired
I go back to the dorm with pidge. " hey why did you not do anything in the simulatior?" Pidge asked. I tried not to laugh and said " I don't know. I guess I just froze up." "Oh ok." We get changed and go to sleep. I soon hear her get up and change into her clothes and grab her computer. I get dressed while she's in the bathroom and follow her when she leaves. I see lance and hunk following behind pidge and I follow them. We soon get to the roof and I hear their conversation. Then the alarms go off. 'It's happening!'  I hide and follow them as they run to the tent the garrison set up around the explosion. I see them on the rock and I sneak up on them. "Hey girls what we doing?" I say. "AH oh uh- hi ummm..." says hunk then he says "what is your name anyway?" "Y/n" then lance adds "who cares we need a-" I then stupidly say "distraction! Just give it a sec!" 'Wow y/n your so stupid why did you say that!' "How'd you know" asked lance 'oop- " I uh.. heard your conversation. Duh" "ok.. but what do you mean give it-" 'y/n your dumb' then soon explosions are seen and we see Keith. "That guy is always trying to 1 up me!" "Who is it" "Keith!" "Who's Keith?" "Yay explosions!" "Y/n!" "What?" Bro just let me enjoy the explosions. We go down to the tent where shiro is and see Keith take out the scientists and free shiro "space daddy-" I whispered to myself. "uh- what?" Pidge asked thinking they heard me wrong " what?" I say .'y/n you are so dead' "did you call just call him space-" "OH LoOk tHeIr cOmiNg BaCk wE hAVe tO gO!" 'Y/n you need to chill' we go out to Keith's bike thingy and we drive..?hover? Away and we are basically on a roller coaster and I'm just enjoying it. "Y/N HOW ARE YOU ENJOYING THIS!" Lance yells "GURL HOW ARE YOU NOT- WAHAH OH NO NOT TODAY-!" I say as I almost fall off. Lance grabs on to me and holds me 'I'm being held by lance McClain. This is something my dad never did!' One of the garrison car things catch up to us and the stick their hand out the window like a dummy and GRAB MY LEG? OH HONEY NO NOT TODAY! "Y/N" pidge yells in worry. I kick them in the face " BAI! " "y/n how are you not scared" hunk asked and you responded with "beesechurger...""what"*you dying of laughter* "hehe- is that a cliff?" Everyone looks and Keith says "yup" we dive down and fall and I say "yay we're going to die" "Y/N!" "What? I'm not doing anything!" "Where not going to die y/n" lance says kinda mad. "Ok berry benson""what?" "Ya like jazz?"" Wha-" "when did we stop falling?" Then Hunk says "can we all just be quiet and stop- uh- whatever you guys are doing?" "K imma sleep" " y/n no" "I can't hear you I'm sleeping" " sleeping people don't talk" "shhhhh- shut up lance"" y/n!...y/n? Are they actually sleeping?" "I think they are..... maybe they where just tired?" "Yea why else pidge!" " everyone calm down! Lance, carry y/n inside. Put them in my room and let them sleep." They bring me inside and tuck me in. Another thing my dad never did. Pidge untucks me and puts a bandage on me because I cut my leg when I kicked that garrison teacher. She tucked me in again and thinks 'wow....... no pidge stop you just met them!' They leave and let me sleep. Finally!

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