Chapter 27

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((Human krolia is seggc))

I have exciting news!
What is it?
You are finally going to get your knight armor, flying lessons because you suck at it, and tea! The drinking kind

YEEEEEESSSSS LETS GO-wait what did you say about my flying skills-
Nothing let's go, hurry up!
Hold on lemme wake up palara
I walk over to palara and smile
"Awww, he's adorable when he's sleeping, sorry buddy" I slap him across the face "WAKE UP!" I giggle and watch him wake up
"Ow! What the hell y/n?"
"We have training today! Because I suck at flying!"
"That's true, you really suck"
"You swallow"
"Nothing! Pharaoh can I see that armor?"
"Armor? What armor?" Palara asked
"My official knight armor"
He hands me an outfit and I go into the bathroom to change
I soon come out in my armor and smile

YEEEEEESSSSS LETS GO-wait what did you say about my flying skills-Nothing let's go, hurry up!Hold on lemme wake up palaraI walk over to palara and smile"Awww, he's adorable when he's sleeping, sorry buddy" I slap him across the face "WAKE UP!" I g...

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(Your armor)
(I like it but I might change it lemme know what you guys think)
"So, how do I look?"
"Oooooh! Gorl do a twirl!" Palara cheered
I giggle and do a little twirl
"Yaaaas gurl yaaaas! F**ken work that sh!t!"
You look very nice y/n
Wooo! Go y/n
You look good
So cute
Aww, that's adorable
*happy lion rawr*
"Awww thanks"
As I show off my outfit, something appears in the corner of my eyes. I look over and see the previous paladins
"Y/n-what are you doing?" Alfor asked
"I'm showing off my knight uniform! What do you think? Isn't it cool?" I say I pose and show it off. The previous paladins look at me a bit....strange, trigel then spoke to me
"Y/n no, you do realize that the-"
"tHe KnIgHtS oF tHe FaLlEn ArE eViL" I cut her off and mock her "yea I know you guys have only said that about like...a million times. And I'll say this for the millionth time, they weren't"
They look at me and sigh
"Y/n, why don't you believe us?" Blaytz asked
"Because I'm more educated than you on this, is that a good enough answer for you?"
They sigh again
"What? You mad my ass is fatter then yours?"
"What does that even mean?"
"It means your a skinny flat booty ass b!tch"
"......what?" Alfor asked confused
I look at them
Wait I should probably be doing a mission.....what was the missio-the presumed to be dead child-WHY DID I THINK IT LIKE THAT I-nope don't get distracted!
"Look I have to go on a mission, I'll see you guys later" I said to the paladins and I opened a portal. I walked through the portal but no one else came through except for palara and pharaoh. We are at the control center for the reality guardian......I can't remember what this place is called
"Where's everyone else?"
They are distracting your ghost b!tches from following us
I thought only the guardian and whoever the guardian wants to have enter can come here. I know damn well I don't want them here
Yeah but the author might want to add some drama when she edits this
Don't break the 4th wall!
It's cool
I walk over to the control panel and try looking for opalian. This would be so much easier if I knew opalians last name
"What's your last name pharaoh?"
The f**k is a last name?
"That makes my job easier......great" I say sarcastically
Palara, pharaoh, and I talk and joke while I try to track opalian down but we have no luck on finding them. We eventually head back and I see the previous paladins waiting there for me
"Hey hoes hows it going?" I asked
"I have no idea what that means but where have you been?" Alfor says
"Your not my dad you don't have to worry if i come back late or not" I say crossing my arms
Alfor sighs "just, listen" he gently grabs my shoulder and I pull away
"get yo crusty hands off me you wh*re!"
"What?" He asked confused
"Ohhhhh, you wanna get f**ked up!"
"You wanna get f**ked up!"
"Y/n please-"
"You wanna catch these hands!"
"Y/n stop! Can you just listen for a tick!?"
"No, you ain't my daddy I can do what I want!" I start jumping on the bed
Damn y/n-
"Y/n get down from there!"
"Make me b!tch! Hahahaha!"
Alfor sighs "I'm done" he leaves and I laugh
Oh my stars-*laughs*
"Damn I irritating" I giggle
"Y/n please listen to us" trigel said
"Y/n, please. We just want to help you"
"Who the f**k are you? The sh!tty therapist my sh!tty adoptive mom got me?"
"That's very oddly specific"
"There's a reason why but that's not the point, the point is I'm exhausted and just want some sleep. So please leave me alone"
"Sorry we can't, not until we-" I interrupt her by taking off my clothes
"W-what are you doing?" She asked looking away, the other paladins look away to
"Well I'm going to take a nap and i can't sleep in my armor" I continue to take my clothes off and they leave. I get dressed in my pjs and I lays down
"Why is everything so tiring!?" I groan
You should get some rest y/n
Your right, goodnight pharaoh
Goodnight y/n
Wait where the f**k is the tea I was told I could drink-
Hey, I'm sorry I didn't post and that this chapter is short and sucks. I took the summer to have a mental health break. I will try to post more soon

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