Chapter 3

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I don't know but they must have learned of Voltrons return found the spirit stones energy
Ugh ok just let me get ready
Don't be long
When your done go outside. You'll need some space to train
Dude if we need space we just have to go up
Y/n no-
K I need to change bye

Ok pharaoh, what do I have to do?
Let's start of small. Like an element. What elements exist on your planet?
Fire, earth, water, air-
Ok well go with air for now.
Ok then
First focus on the breeze and the air around you, Chanel your body and your energy and connect with all of your surroundings to feel like one with the element you wish to use.
Now, fantasize of what you want to do with that element and turn that fantasy into reality.
I think of what I want to do and...
I feel something
I open my eyes and I see a ball of air
"Woah! I did it"
Good job
Hey pharaoh, watch this!

(the air scooter looks like the one in the video)
I ride around and pharaoh is just pfff-
"Hahaha! That's the face of disappointment! Hahahahaha- AH! Ow....." I say as I fall off the air scooter.
That's not funny pharaoh!
*pharaoh dying of laughter*
Pfff- ok! It's a bit funny but I did it! Now all I have to do is Chanel it to use it in battle! Right?
Hahaha you are very smart y/n yes that's right *laughing*
"Ok so I'm the hour I was gone, you all meet the locals and fought a giant monster sent from the galra and now you are going to throw a party?" I asked confusion "yes" everyone said in unison. "I need to lie down" I go to my room and lay down
"This is a bad idea"
I agree.
From what I remember when rewatching Voltron, the galra will attack
Wait, what do you mean 'rewatching Voltron'?
Oh yea! The universe where I'm from, this all is a cartoon show called Voltron legendary defenders!
What kind of messed up universe are you from?
I don't know man but it's pretty messed up
Whatever, we need to convince allura to call off the party!
I'm sorry but it has to happen
What do you mean?
If the party is called off then the galra might attack the locals and kill them all! I feel as if we change to many things in this reality, it won't have a good ending. It will be worse than how the show ended!
What? You know what- never mind! Just be prepared for when the galra show up.
Ok the party is starting soon so I'll go down and prepare

At the party
Ok everything is ok for now- wait... where is lance?
Oh no
I run down to the control room and
Oh no
I'm to late
The bomb went off
I run in and try to see through all the smoke. I see him "lance!"
I hold him and try to make sure he's ok.
'Come on everyone! We need hunk here now!'
Everyone runs in
"The crystal!" Allura shouts "lance!" Shiro takes him from me and i sneak to the pods.
'I was too late. I'm sorry lance. But I promise to make it right!'
I thought this was supposed to happen
Pharaoh! It is but I wanted to try and at least save him but I was too late and I feel bad.
Well if you want to help hurry up and hide in the pod like you planned! They're coming I can hear them!
I hide in the pod and hunk and coran come and fly the ship to balmera. This will be fun! probably.... idk

Timeskip to balmera
We are going down into a mine on balmera and Hunk just keeps screaming.
"Hunk chill your fine!"
"AHHH! Y/n when did you get here?" Hunk asked startled
"Ah! Sneaking on ships now are we?" Coran asks in his uncle voice
"Yea obviously" I answer sarcastically
We land and we get out and see shay and rax
Well their shadows
"Uh coran- what lives in these tunnels?"
"We're on balmera so obviously not balmerins- what do you think!"
"Don't come any closer I don't know how to use this very well!"
Great just ignore y/n yay
They come out the shadows
"Wait your not galra"
"Nor are you"
"Oop ya'll look up"
They look up and see
"A patrol!"
"Great just what we need! Rats!"
"They are not 'rats' they are a patrol" shay says to me confused
"Yea and they are rats. It's an insult"
"Why would you insult them when they could kill you?"
"Because why not! I'll say it to their face! HE-*muffled screaming*
Coran coved my mouth
"Shh we have to hide" Coran said
We take the ship into a tunnel and thank shay and her brother rax.

Time skip to fixing the ship
I'm siting on the ship as hunk is fixing it. Shay comes over and talks to us. Shay and hunk seem to be getting along. Ill let the lovebirds be alone hehehe. But sadly before I could do that I fell asleep against shay. They put me in the ship to rest and soon I wake up to...... pharaoh.
'What is it now?'
Your friends were captured by the galra! We must save them!
Oh no! I forgot they get captured!
I sneak out and look for their sell
I run into shay.
"Oh y/n! Your safe!"
"Yea I'm going to rescue my friends"
"Can I come? I need to show you the crystal"
"Crystal? Oh! Yea"
"I have it hidden and ready we need to find your ship" "ok! Let's go!"
We free hunk and coran
We go to the ship but we see rax. He told the galra... wow! "SNICH!"
We run to the ship and shay get captured!
"RUN! MAKE HASTE!" Shay says. I ask
Coran pulls me in the ship
I sing as hunk hit me in the arm.
We leave the balmera and get back to the castle
Hunk and coran are getting the crystal out the ship. 'I wonder if they are still fighting sendek?' I run down to the control room and i see them still fighting sendek. Sendek almost has Keith down. I use my wind power and make sendek fall over. Keith pushes him in the thing where the crystal it supposed to be. I am internally praising myself and then I see "we did it. We are a good team" "awww. There having a bonding moment!" I squeal. Shiro and pidge blush at my squeal but I'm stupid so I didn't notice. Thank god its over now... kinda. Everyone heads to their room and go to sleep. Well I was but.
Ah- oh pharaoh! Hey
I'm proud of you y/n
Thank you
Now get some rest
Ok goodnight
Little did y/n know that 4 little mice were spying on them. And they thought
'Why is this crazy child talking to themself?'

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