22 - C H E A T E R S

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Evangeline Carter

"Are you still mad at me?" I asked Char. I proceeded to sit next to her waiting for a reaction. However, she kept her eyes on the film.

I hated myself for becoming this person, I was being an awful friend to Char. She doesn't deserve this, she doesn't deserve any of this. She's always been by my side and this is how I repay her?

She finally spoke up. "No, of course not, I can never be mad at you. I was being dramatic."

A concerned look grew on my face. "Dramatic? Of course not! You had every right to react the way you did! I'm sorry Char, I should have told you I just didn't want things to be weird between us."

"It's fine, you can have other friends." She looked down and began playing with her fingers. "Honestly, I think I was just jealous."

"Jealous? What would you be jealous of?"

She sighed. "Seeing you so close to another friend, I guess I'm scared you'll become more distant because you have been recently."

She's not wrong. Char, Oliver, and I used to do everything together, but things have changed. Every night we would meet here to catch up but I've been so busy with Draco that I haven't been coming. When I do come they're usually at quidditch practice, I've been too distant lately.

"I won't be anymore, I promise." I headed for a hug until she backed away.

"I don't like hugs." She groaned.

"Shut up." I grabbed her and gave her a tight hug.

After a couple of moments of sitting next to her, I noticed she was sniffling, her nose and cheeks were burning red.

Is she crying?

"Char, what's wrong?" I asked with a concerned expression on my face.

She looked at me and shook her head. "Nothing, it's fine, don't worry about it."

"Please, tell me."

Was she crying because of what happened earlier? I hated the idea of her crying over me, I'm not worth her tears.

"Earlier... I was supposed to meet up with Hermione after practice and.." Tears were now streaming down her face. "I found her with Ron, they were kissing."

Oh my god.

How could she?

I quickly hugged her and began comforting her. "I'm so sorry Char, I can't believe Hermione would do this. I can't believe Ron."

"It's okay. I'll just try my best to avoid them. It'll be hard, I have Hermione for almost all my classes and I see Ron at quidditch practice. I hate Madam Hooch for making Ravenclaws and Gryffindors practice together."

"Well, screw them. Wanna sneak into the kitchen and get ice cream?"

She shook her head. "Let's stay here, get my mind off things. What did you and Tracey talk about?" She began talking in a high-pitched girly-girl voice sounding sarcastic, "Oh my Merlin did you guys talk about boys!"

I began laughing tremendously.

"No but seriously, tell me, what did you guys talk about?" She asked.

I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. I don't think this is the right time to tell her about Draco, the last thing I want to do is make her feel worse.

Thankfully the door busted open with Oliver laughing extremely loudly. "Mind if I join?" he asked.

I don't think Oliver knows about what happened between Char and Hermione, he was acting completely clueless.

Manipulation; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now