9 - T R U T H OR D A R E

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Evangeline Carter

I felt guilty, but not at the same time. He made me feel things I've never felt with another boy before. It was quite exciting, all of this was new to me, and I didn't know how to react.

What's worse is that I have no one to talk about it with. Char can't know, she simply can't. She'll hate me forever. I'm just slowly getting closer to Hermione, Ron, and Harry, how would they feel? They wouldn't approve.

I knew it was wrong, but I could still feel his lips against mine, I wanted him badly. I wanted to feel his lips again, his taste.

This morning I woke up extra earlier than Char, expecting to see bruises all over my neck. I muffled a quick spell to cover them and avoid millions of questions.

"Party. Tonight. Requirement room. Are you guys going?" Char looks over at Oliver and me.

"If I say no you're going to smack me in the back of my head, aren't you?" Oliver groans.

"You got that right."

I laugh as we're walking down the hall. They decided they wanted to walk me to my class today. Before I entered I noticed Malfoy standing right next to the door, was he waiting for me?

"Eva, you didn't tell me you had fucking ferret boy for this class." Char spat.

"Better shut your mouth Smith, I heard you only got in the team because you ate Madame Hooch out."

"And I heard you only got on the team because of your money."

Oliver interrupted their fight, "Come on Char, we're gonna be late." Before Char left she looked at me and gave me the sign of the cross. She put her hand on my head, stomach, and both shoulders. "You're gonna need that."

I chuckled and walked into class with Malfoy following me. It was quiet, none of us were speaking.


I cleared my throat. "Are you going to the party tonight?" I asked him.

"Maybe, what's it to you?" He scoffed.

"Can we ever have a conversation where you don't have an attitude?"

"I don't want you to go later."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me, don't go." He ordered.

"Who do you think you are, telling me what to do? What are you my dad now or something?"

"That's exactly what I am Carter, I'm your fucking dad. Say it, call me daddy."

"You're mental, I'm not calling you"-

He interrupts me and aggressively grabs onto my thigh, his hand going under my skirt making me gasp. "I don't think I fucking stuttered." His hands are now on my panties, making circular motions.

A girl turns around and widens her eyes when she realizes what's going on. "Malfoy, people are watching," I whisper to him. He looks at the girl and starts to look at her up and down, "Wanna be next?" He smirked. The girl blushes and starts smiling at him. I shove his hands off of me and move my seat farther away from him.

"What's wrong?" He asks. "What's wrong? You were about to finger me and you started flirting with another girl, what the hell is wrong with you." I spat.

"Oh come on, don't be jealous."

"I'm not jealous."

"Then let me finger you."

"Go finger the girl in front of us."

"I don't want to, I want to finger you." He gets closer to me and puts his hand under my skirt once again. He teases me and slowly pulls my panties down. He slips two fingers in and moves them in a circular motion, messaging my pussy. He then begins pumping inside of me, hitting all the right places. My breathing becomes heavy and I start to get hot.

"Wet for me already?" I try my best not to make any facial expressions or noises. I grab onto the table for support, trying not to shake or whimper.

The girl looked back again and he noticed, "What the fuck are you looking at, fuck off." He spat. "Oh god, Malfoy," I moaned into his ear, harshly grabbing onto his thigh as his fingers fucked me. After a couple of moments of his fingers thrusting inside me, I cum all over his fingers. He pulls them out and starts sucking on them, licking his lips. "You taste so good."


"Are you excited to see someone specific?" Char asks.

Oh God, does she know about Malfoy? "No, who would I be excited to see?"

"Hello, Elliot of course! Stop acting like you don't have a crush on him."

"Oh right, yeah totally."

As we're walking down the hall we see Neville guarding the entrance. "Password?" He asks.

"Mimbulus Mimbletonia." Char answers.

"You may enter." We finally enter and the room is filled with people. It's not just Gryffindors but all the houses as well, including Slytherins. The dance floor was filled with students dancing and jumping to the loud music as colorful laser lights were shooting from the ceiling. Not to mention the room reeked of alcohol.

Oliver spots us and quickly runs over to us. "Finally! I've been waiting for you two to get here!"

"Who's idea was it to make Neville the bodyguard?" Char says laughing.

"It was Harry's actually, c'mon I'll get you two drinks!"

We walked over to the bar which was filled with all kinds of bottles, with Fred and George being the baristas. "Well hello beautiful, what can I get for you today?" Fred says with a smirk.

"I'll just have water please," I said. There's no way I'm drinking again, not after what happened last time. I turned around due to someone tapping on my shoulder, it was Elliot.

"Hello Eva, you look beautiful."

"Thank you." I looked around the party, particularly looking for a blonde-haired boy, and my eyes met his, however, he was already staring at me. He looked extremely angry.

"Do you want to dance with me?" Elliot asks, letting out his hand.

"I'd love to, but I already promised Char I'd dance with her." I lied, I remembered what Malfoy said about me talking to Elliot. He'd get angry if he saw me dancing with him. God knows what he'd do to him, or me.

I turned around and grabbed Char, "C'mon let's dance." She takes another drink and agrees.

Oliver noticed and joined us, "Don't leave me out!"

We began dancing like complete idiots on the dance floor, many guys kept their eyes on me and whistled at me. I rejected about 5 guys who wanted to dance with me, Malfoy didn't take his eyes off of me the whole night.

I noticed a circle forming in a corner, everyone sitting down. "Are you guys joining us or what?" Hermione yelled. "Joining what?" Oliver questioned. "We're playing truth or dare, c'mon it'll be fun!" Oh god, this is not going to end well.

Manipulation; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now