Eyes on the prize.

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"Stark I got eyes on the prize." I say smirking looking up at the tower.

"Meet you there in 10 seconds." He responds through his comms.

I teleport up there and seconds later stark comes flying in right next to me.

His machines are taking off his suit.

"Stark what are you doing-?" I ask.


Dumbass. I mentally facepalm myself.

How are we going to negotiate with the god of mischief. Has he gone mad?

"Care for a drink?" Tony asks me and our unfriendly guest.

I go and grab my "juice" tony calls it from the fridge. It's basically an energy drink that keeps me going all day since I don't sleep much- we'll talk about that later.

I drink some as tony makes himself a drink.

"You are greatly outnumbered. Why not surrender now?" Loki says taking slow steps towards us.

"Then where's the fun?" He responds.

At this point I'm sitting on the couch- well not really.

See I have similar powers to Loki - teleportation, illusions and mind manipulation.

Buttttttt I also have telekinesis. So the better version of Loki. Well - not that there is a better version.


I hear stark mutter something to Jarvis before being thrown out the window.

I can't help but let out a little chuckle- I am going to give him HELL since he was wrong.

"You won't be laughing for long." He walks over to the chair my illusion is placed at and tried to grab me.

"Boo." I saw kicking him from behind.

At this point stark is back. And he pretty much wraps things up.

———time skip———

"He's surprisingly calm-" Steve says looking back from the cameras.

"It's not an illusion. He has something planned. Oh- why hello lady y/n." Thor says walking out from Loki's cell room.

"Hey Thor. What are we gonna do?" I ask everybody.

"Wait." Bruce says walking through the door with Nat.

"Any news on Barton?" Tony asks.

"We checked all the cameras and ran a facial recognition. Nothing." Bruce says shrugging.

"Damn." I hear Natasha mutter.

We all part our separate ways throughout the helicarrier.  I head to training with Nat. Tony heads to the workout room. Thor goes to search the city. And obviously banner in his lab.

Honestly- what could go wrong.

Everyone has been requested in the common room.

Jarvis says.

I teleport up and right as everyone runs in.

"What is it tony?" Banner asks.

"Uh- yeah. Sooooo the left engine is out."

I don't know how he says that so casually.

"And our little friend mr. Barton here was picked up on facial recognition cams on the outside of the tower. He's in the west wing." Tony adds.

"Nat go. Maybe you can bring him back." I say nodding my head.

"Me and Lady y/n will go make sure my brother is still in his cell." Thor says as he walks out of the room with me following behind.

-Loki's point of view-

Perfectly on time.

-Y/n's point of view-

"Loki no!" Thor says running to tackle Loki who is out of his cage.


Roles reversed, Thor's in the cage. Soon is descending miles and miles down to the ground again.

"Whatever you got planned ends now." I say taking a step forward.

"Ah I remember you from Stark tower. What do your little group call themselves? The avengers? Yes that's the one." He says walking around the big hole in the floor where his cage once was to face me.

I shoot a blast of white energy that goes right through him.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

"Captain freedom would t want to hear that." He whispers in my ear as my body grows stiff.

Get the fuck out of my mind thank you.

My body goes limp for a second and I fall out of the hole in the floor. I quickly catch my self bringing me back up to the floor again.

He's gone.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

"Uh Steve. I lost him and Thor is... unavailable." I say through my comms looking down the big hole to the ground.

"Do what you can. Nat knocked Clint out. I'm trying to get the left engine started again with Stark so this whole ship doesn't go down. Help would be fantastic." Steve says through his comms, I hear fighting in the background. Loki must've controlled more guards.

"On my way." Was the last thing I said before teleporting to the engine room.


Comment something lol and if you actually read this - I love you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2021 ⏰

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