drunk georgie (*=best chapters)

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this is not the original book. the original book was deleted off of wattpad with 1.3 million reads. i uploaded my best work. maybe some day i will put the rest up again as well. enjoy

FYI asterisks (*) are on the titles of better chapters (in my opinion) or in other words they're "bella's favorites" lmao. ones that i'm actually proud of.


"George! Where did you put the extension cords after you were done?" Dream called out from his room.

It was very late at night, and Dream had just ended his 2-hour stream. Dream looked around the room and scanned the empty storage boxes. He dug through one as he waited to hear George's voice.

George was visiting Dream. He was staying at Dream's apartment just for a few days.

"George!" He called again.

Dream picked up a cord that looked like the kind he was looking for. He examined the end but discarded it after he realized it wasn't the right input. He heard giggles coming from down the hall.


Dream stood up and walked to his half-open door, sticking his head out in confusion. He stepped into the hall, and briskly walked down it as the laughing continued. When he entered the dim-lit living-room, he saw George lying on the floor, playing with Patches.

"George, what are you doing?" Dream laughed, looking down.

George gave no mind to Dream and continued to poke the cat lightly.

Dream noticed an open bottle of Chardonnay on the side table by the couch. Still chuckling at George, he walked to it, looked at it, and the glass next to it. The bottle was wayyy less than half full. Dream smirked.

"George? Are you... drunk?" He wheezed.

"Nooooooo," George looked up at him with a large grin.

"George, I was only streaming for two hours. How did you get into that bottle? And- and finish HALF OF IT" Dream couldn't stop laughing.

George giggled again and reached out with his leg, catching Dreams leg right as he was about to take a step. Dream stumbled and fell towards George, as patches scrambled away, nails skidding on the floor in the kitchen as soon as she was out of sight. He caught himself with a knee between George's legs and both hands on the beside his head. He wheezed again and began to attempt to get up, but George decided to throw his arms loosely around the back of his neck. Dream let out a nervous laugh.

"Hi, Dreamyyyyyy," George giggled. His voice was low and sedated.

Dream flashed George an awkward smile and tried to get up again. But fell to the side when George reached out and quickly jabbed at the inside of the arm, holding him up. His arm, the joint no longer locked, gave-way and Dream fell on his side laughing again.

George laughed with him, his eyes twinkling as he gazed at Dream.

Their chuckles faded until they were just madly smiling at each other.

"Clay," George whispered.

"Yes, George?" Dream whispered back with a grin.

"Can I tell you something?"

They continued to whisper as if they had to keep quiet.

"Of course, George," Dream scooted closer, as if to hear better.

George leaned in, and for a split second, Dream realized how close they were. George angled his mouth at Dreams ear. He paused right next to it and softly giggled again. Dream waited and listened.

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