Chapter 16

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Hermione and Viktor meet up at a cafe.

Viktor pov

Hermione: so you also got an invite to the memorial celebration. That makes sense since you were selected as one of the triward champions.

Viktor: i suppose you are rigth.

Hermione: well at least you'd be there too. Who will be accompaning you to the celebration?

Viktor: i was actually planning to ask you to accompany me.

Hermione: me?

Viktor: yes, you Her-my-mione.

Hermione: are you sure you'd wanna go with me.

Viktor: yes, it will be like how we looked our last time at the Yule ball. Were you were my chosen date.

Hermione: I still don't why you choose to ask me, out all the girls during my 3rd year.

Viktor: i chose you because i knew you were different from all those other girls. You had this way of how you carried your self. You didn't run after me like everyone else. You treated me like an actual person. You saw me for me not the famous world class seeker. You are special.

Hermione: ohh, but special me special. All i ever did was study and spend my time in the library.

Viktor: oh trust me i know. I use to follow you around all the time trying to build up the courage to ask you to be my date to the Yule ball. I use to hang around the library alot just to find a way to approach you.

Hermione: that explains the amount of giggling girls at the library all the time.

Viktor: you mean all my fan girls you always managed to chase out from the library.

Hermione: more like sighing stalkers.

Viktor laughs at Hermione words and this stirs a butterfly feeling inside her yet again.

Hermione pov

Why am i still feeling this way. All these emotion setting in me. I can't be falling for him for real now. I just thougth these strange feeling would pass as time went by of us being friends but it's grown to be more stronger.

Viktor: You truly are different Her-my-mione.

Hermione: what is that suppose to mean?

Viktor: you're special

At his last few words my heart felt like it was beating out my chest and running on a race track. Could he also be feeling the same way i am feeling when we are always together a feeling of rising sparking flames.

I was so lost in my thoughts that i only began to notice him staring into my eyes as well. He was leaning in towards me and i couldn't but join in to as i leaned towards him. The moment was so intense yet so pleasing but of course just as we are almost centimeters apart we here someone call out to us from the other side of the cafe.

We both backed away from one another to seem a bit more normal and turned to see who had called out to us. Than i notice it was Pansy and there was another man standing not to far behind her who seemed to have been the one to call out to Viktor.

"Gavin" Viktor calls out

Gavin: ah ha

Pansy: Hermione what are doing here?

Hermione: why don't you two join us

Gavin: we are not interrupting anything are we?

Viktor: no no of course not we just spending time together talking about our time back in Hogwarts.

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