Chapter Three

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“Amy! Tyler! Dinner’s ready!” my mother calls.

I run down the stairs and head straight for the dining table. We were just having some fried rice today. Everyone begins to gather around the table and says a quick word of prayer before eating. The table remains silent until my father speaks up.

“So Amy, have you finished the SATs courses I’ve given you yet? It’s coming up you know” he says. Dad with his interrogations again.

“No, but I’m working on it,” I say annoyed.

“You’ve been saying that for a month now Amy,” he replies.

“Yeah I know, and I’m still working on it. Have a little faith in me, won’t you?” I say.

“Okay, fine. Just don’t come crawling to me when to fail that test and end up living in the streets,” he says to get back at me. Oooh, someone’s in a bad mood today.

“What the fuck Dad? How could you even say that to me,” I say. Okay, now I’m angry.

“Language!” he yells at me.

“Oh like you’ve never said that before,” I yell back.

“Amy, thats enough,” he says.

The table becomes silent again. Look, I know he’s looking out for me, but like I said, it gets very annoying. I absolutely hate it when my parents constantly pressure me and ask me the same question every single second of the day. Once dinner is done, I asked my mom, “What would you say if I said I wanted to become an actress?”

“I would say that you can go do it as long as you have a backup, but I wouldn’t bother because what are the chances of you even being one anyways?” she says.

“So you’re saying that I don’t even have a chance at being a professional one at all?” I ask to clarify. Wow, today must be piss off Amy day.

“Yes. Pretty much. So it’s much better if you become a lawyer of doctor,” she says.

“Mom. Don’t you understand? I don’t want to become a lawyer of doctor?!” I say pissed off.

“Then why would you join the debate team and mock trial?” she says.

“Are you seriously kidding me now? I was forced into it because of you! You signed me up for those clubs and teams through you.” I started yelling.

“Maybe it’s because I’m trying to do what’s best for you! When I allowed you to join the plays and become part of the theatre club, I didn’t think it would get this far. Did you really think that you have the actual potential and chance of being an actress?”

“SEE! This is what I mean! You force me into things and when I find a passion in something, you don’t even help me strive in it. And by the way, you didn’t allow me to become part of the play, I auditioned and joined all those past times regardless of what you wanted for me” I yell.

“Oh shut up Amy, you don’t know what’s best for you. You’re still too young to understand,” she says.

“There’s the line I’ve been waiting to hear!” I say sarcastically. “I’m so sick and tired of this. You can go become a lawyer of doctor yourself, while I go do my thing,” I yell before I storm off back into my room.

What kind of mother doesn’t believe in their own daughter to pursue her dream? I’ll show her. Yeah, that’s right, I’ll show her that I can do it. Once I get into the Romeo and Juliet production, she might actually realize that I can do it. Then I remembered that Mrs. Woods talking about how she’ll have the cast list up by tonight. She doesn’t usually take days to come up with a cast for the production, yet she still always picks the right people for each part. I rush to my macbook pro and type in the website with the cast list on it. I look attentively for my name at at least for one of the parts, but I don’t see it on there at all. There must be some sort of mistake. Juliet is Sabrina Perez, typical, she always gets the main part for every production, musical or not. She used to be my best friend, but once High School hit and she made new friends, she just plain stopped talking to me. I scroll down to see Connor as Romeo. I kind of snorted a bit when I saw that. What in the world? Now this is definitely a mistake. I laugh to myself and slowly walk to my bed not caring about homework, falling asleep.

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