Chapter Two

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(present day)

Drama was probably one of my favorite subject in this school and the only reason I continue on going to this hell of a place. My teacher, Mrs. Woods, had assigned us to do our monologues today, but today she has an announcement. All the theater kids eagerly sit in the audience to hear what she has to say. She strokes her blonde hair away from her blue eyes and finally says, "Alright class. As many of you know, we have the fall play coming up. I'm sure many of you are eager to know what production we'll be doing." Mrs. Woods pauses for second to add intensity (haha drama teachers) and says, "Romeo and Juliet!" Everyone starts shrieking out of excitement. "Auditions will be after school today. I hope to see all of you there." Then the bell rings and everyone goes out of the theater talking about the play. I'm probably going to have to lie to my mom again so I can audition. I text my mom a quick text saying that I have a debate meeting today after school, so that she can pick me up at five as I walked to my next period.

The day goes goes out really slow until the last bell of the day finally rings. I immediately head over to the theater where I see a huge line of kids eager to audition. Oh boy, looks like there's going to be a lot of competition this year. A lot of the girls wish to be Juliet, but I prefer to become Nurse or even Rosaline. It really doesn't matter what part I get in the play I guess, as long as I'm in it, it's cool. For some odd reason, there always seem to be a lot more girls that want to be in the plays or musicals rather than guys. Mrs. Woods calls out our names for roll call because we all signed a sheet before we came in today and the auditions have started. She assigned roles for different characters, and I'm called to be Juliet. Just as I was about to pick up the script, someone slams the open creating a loud noise in the theater. I was shocked when I saw who it was, Connor. I never felt him to be someone interested in theatre at all. He gave a willful smirk as he saw all the girls look at him and made his way over to the open seat right next to me.

"Ahh, good. Connor, you can be Romeo for this scene with Amy," Mrs. Wood says.

I have a stunned face when those words come out of her mouth. When the two of us were walking out to go a practice the scene, "What are you doing here?" I whispered. He chuckles a bit on the words I said.

"Lost a bet, so now I have to audition for this stupid thing," he says. He shrugs a bit and we finally make it outside. I check back on what scene we're going to do, hoping it's not the one I'm thinking of, but it is. Looks like we'll be doing to balcony scene together.

The teacher soons finishes talking about the production and leaves us to go on practice before we go up on stage. Connor follows me out the theatre and just stares blankly.

"You do know how this scene goes, right?" I say hoping.

Connor just smugs and bit and leaves it as that. "Crap, okay. Well basically Juliet is professing her love for Romeo out in the balcony while Romeo is silently hiding under the balcony hearing everything she says. It's not until a bit later till Romeo finally reveals himself to Juliet. So because you're Romeo, you don't really do much for the beginning, but I have to act like I don't know you're there at first. Got it?" I say.

"Yeah, sure," Connor says. Oh boy, this day just got even longer.

* * *

Mrs. Wood's assistant soon comes out of the theatre telling the two of us that it's time to go on stage. We go on the stage and we both each introduce ourselves and the scene we're doing. Connor seems like he doesn't care, he better not mess this up for me.

"5... 6... 7... 8." Mrs. Wood says. And we begin our scene.

"But soft! What light through yonder window breaks?

It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.

Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon,

Who is already sick and pale with grief,

That thou, her maid, art far more fair than she.

Be not her maid since she is envious.

Her vestal livery is but sick and green,

And none but fools do wear it. Cast it off!

It is my lady. Oh, it is my love.

Oh, that she knew she were..." Connor says with great passion as I'm just staring off dreaming about Romeo.

I say my lines as best I can, but when it comes to the part in where Romeo is about to leave...

"'Tis almost morning. I would have thee gone.

And yet no further than a wanton's bird,

That lets it hop a little from his hand

Like a poor prisoner in his twisted gyves,

And with a silken thread plucks it back again,

So loving-jealous of his liberty," I say.

"I would I were thy bird," He says. Connor starts leaning on to me and his lips were heading for mine, but I immediately turn my head so he'll only kiss my cheeks. It got awkward, so I just ended the scene right there.

"Thank You," says Mrs. Woods. Connor and I walk off stage and my cheeks were burning with anger. This boy got me mixed up all over the place. Doesn't he know that I'm not interested already? I just run away from the boy again grabbing my backpack and run away headed for home even though I hear Connor's yells for me to go back.

When I finally reached home, I was completely out of breath. I was stopped by my mother though.

"So, how was the debate meeting?" She asks.

"Oh you know, it was fine. We just argued over some political issues just like how we always do," I lie.

"Okay.." My mother says before she walks off back to the kitchen.

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