Chapter 11 - courting stage

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" SHE WHAT??? " I cover my ear when Rosé shouted as if I am not sitting beside her.

" Y-Yahh! Don't shout! We are clearly sitting next to each other! Aish! " I said and shuffled my hair before I slam my face at the table in front of us that made Rosé startled cause It cause a noise.

" Will you please tell me the whole story first? Why would she want the two of you to be a couple? "

Should I tell Rosé? She will surely tell it to Jisoo. But I don't have any choice.

" W-We kissed l-last night " my eyes widen in shock when she stand up and scream that made me face palmed myself.

Sometimes I am wondering why am I friends with her.

" SHHHH! Rosé calm down! My god! That's why I don't want to tell you thi- " she didn't let me finish my sentence cause she but in already.

" You don't want to tell me but you don't have a choice cause I am your only friend, well except my Jisoo of course hahahahaha BUT PLEASE GIVE ME SOME DETAILS ABOUT THE KIS- " I cover her mouth before she could complete the word ' kiss '

" I did it at first, I mean I don't want it but my body wanted it. And the second one is.. she initiated it "

Rosé was about to shout again but I already cover her mouth.

" Yahhh! Please stop shouting! "

To be honest, I can still feel Lisa's lips on mine.

I just really don't know how to react about her question, cause after she ask me that I immediately went inside my room. She didn't bother to follow me though.

Maybe she's thinking about what she said or maybe about the kiss. Arg! I really can't get it out of my head!

It keeps on replaying and all I can feel is the butterflies in my stomach going wild.

" Look, if you two kiss, and you both responded to it, it only means that.. wait! Do you like her? "

I jolt up by her sudden question with wide eyes.


Rosé pulled me down and make me sit again.

" Then why did you kiss her? You won't do it if you don't feel something about her! Just admit it you idiot! You like that Alien "

I glare at her and just sigh deeply before I hide my face into the table again.

" What now? Are you just going to burry your face like that? "

I don't know what I am thinking but I don't want Lisa to court me or what so ever. I am not ready to be in a relationship, not yet.

I sigh deeply before brushing my face using my palm and look at Rosé who's giggling while looking at me.

" I'm not gonna let her court me.. this is beyond from what we talk about. That kiss shouldn't be remembered at all. It's a fucking mistake "

Yahhhh Jennie! What Mistake you are talking about? You liked it! You mean it!

' here you go again mind! STOP MENDLING WITH MY DECISSIONS! '

Rosé just shook her head while smiling that creeps me out.

" You haven't realize it yet, but once you did, I hope you aren't too late. Anyways I'll go inside the office now. Just keep on studying. Lisa and Jisoo isn't here yet. Don't miss your Alien too much "

I throw daggers at her and she just stick out her tongue before leaving me.

I didn't get her point when she said that she hope that I am not too late.

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