Welcome To 1-A

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?? pov

  I see the girl who let me come with her and her friends to the classroom stopped smiling, but only for a minute. " what's your name?" I ask, It felt weird not knowing her name. "oh I'm sorry my name is Haliey"

"Well Haliey do you want to go in first?"

Haliey's Pov

I carefully open the door revealing a broken desk and a girl with pink hair on top of the desk. "uh hi?" the girl said. "hi" i say "so who's desk was that?" the girl looked at me with her red eyes and said "someone named Sean I believe, hey that rhymes!". I hear the door open and close reviling zander and a scared Luke " who are you, what happened to the desk, and where is the teacher?!". Zander yells. " um i broke the desk but i can fix it and i don't know,also what are your names my name is Milly " the girl says and then looked at me "oh sorry i'm Haliey this is zander,luke,and uh sorry whats your name?" I say to the girls. "My name is Daisy". just then the door opens and two kids with head phones walk into the room.

Dean's pov

I slowly breath in and out,I can't  believe i made it this far to U.A. I walk towards the door of the school and then Crash, i bumped into someone who looked my about my age "sorry" we both yelled at the same time. I look at him "i'm Sean,What's your name ?" I ask. "oh my name is Jake nice to meet you." the boy says. we look at each other for a minute before he asks "what class are you if we're in the same class we can go together."                                                                                         "i'm in class 1-A what about You?" i reply . " Same!" he says  " wait that sounded weird.". we both start to laugh as we head to our class. We open the door and we see 5 people in the room all surrounding a broken desk. "hey who's desk was that?" i ask very confused and scared. "uh" a girl with pink hair says "it was a person named Sean I think. I stand there processing what she just said . " I think that was my desk." i reply after a minute. "oh i can fix it give me one minute." she say to me. Then a pink glow appeared on my desk and it started to mend it's self. after a minute it was fully fixed and the girl look a little tired. i walked over to my desk and sat down.            ( i just realized that Sean's pov is longer than any other person so far.)

No ones pov

The rest of the other 6 people in the room sat down while more students entered and sat down. a few people started to talk about the big three ( Deku, Shoto,and Ground zero). Haliey looks at the door waiting for the teacher.  then the door opened.

teachers pov

First day of teaching extras to be heroes and i'm  late. "lets go to these extras" i mumble. i step into the damn classroom and say " hello extras i'm your teacher ground zero or to you guys bakugo sensei, welcome to class 1-A.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2022 ⏰

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