1. My ordinary life

16 2 1


Christi Gardner was like any other person, she had short brown hair that just touched her shoulders with a pair of bangs over her forehead and emerald green eyes that sparkled like jewels in the sunlight. Today was her 16th birthday, it was also the day when her soulmates first words appeared on her wrist she was nervous, but also excited; who would her soulmate be? would it be a cute guy? girl? would they even accept who their soulmate was?! She brushed all these thoughts away like it was dust on her clothes and headed downstairs,

"Morning Christi! Happy birthday!" Christi's mum (Tracy) welcomed

"Thanks mum, breakfast looks nice" She replied politely 

"So have you gotten your words yet?" Tracy enquired peering over the table to look at Christi's wrist

"No not yet" Christi answered looking a little glum

"Oh cheer up dear," she got up and hugged her daughter from behind "I'm sure you'll get them soon!" She said smiling 

"Thanks mum" she replied 

She proceed to eat her breakfast in silence before grabbing her bag and heading out the door,

"Bye mum!" She yelled as she closed the front door

"Have a nice day!" Was all she heard from her mum as she shut the door and headed for the bus

meanwhile on the other side of town...

Tiffany, a fairly tall girl with deep red hair down to the bottom of her neck, forehead laced with fluffy bangs and chesnutt coloured eyes was just waking up to the sound of her alarm.


"uggggghhh" I groaned as I lifted my head off of my pillow struggling to find my phone, after a couple minutes I felt the cold metal underneath my fingers and pulled it out triumphantly only to see the time,

"7:50?! THE BUS GETS HERE AT 8:00!!!" I screamed in shock and leapt out of bed immediately falling to the floor,

"gah!" I clenched my teeth as my knees seethed in pain "forgot about that" I muttered to myself before turning around to use the bed as stability "stupid knees" I hissed at them even though I was the one in control of them and slowly made my way to the bathroom to get ready. By the time I was finished the bus had already gone, I pelted it downstairs ignoring the flaming pain in my joints. When I got downstairs the usual sight was to be seen as I expected; My mum was still asleep, my sister was watching TV and my dad was probably out shopping

"I'll just skip breakfast..." I muttered quietly to myself, I grabbed my keys and ran out the door before fumbling into the garage to find my bike "Gotcha!" I said in triumph before heaving it out into the driveway and shutting the door behind me. I shoved on my helmet and slung my bag on my back put my feet on the pedals, and rode off 


"phew just in time" I panted heavily as I leant on the side of the bus stop 

"Hey you ok?" I looked up to see my best friend Honey standing in front of me; they had strawberry blonde hair in luscious curls that feel down to their elbows, they wore hazel brown eyes that welcomed you whenever you stared at them

"Yeah, feels like I just ran a marathon though!" I complained to her seriously feeling the burn in my thighs, they chuckled as I caught my breath.

"Hey c'mon the bus is here!" they took my hand and led my on, Honey is really enthusiastic about school (unlike me) but they aren't one of your typical nerds. In fact Honey is actually friends with the popular girl - her name is Tiffany, the good thing is Tiffany isn't your typical popular person. Unlike some people she's actually really nice, sometimes I wonder if she even likes the attention she gets.


My knees where cramping up, I knew I needed to take a break before they went numb and I crashed but I couldn't afford to be late I would disappoint everyone who looked up to me, I was already late to the early morning tutor group I taught,

"God they are gonna hate me!" I lifted my hand up quickly to wipe away the dampness in my eye; from the wind of course! Yeah. I turned a corner and Brookway High was in my sights,

"Just in time" I sighed to myself in relief and sped over, I was late enough as it was. I got off my bike and locked it up by the gate before speeding in the building - heading straight for the math room. I pushed the door open to see my friend Holly at the front doing what I assumed was teaching? Her short blonde hair was flowing over her shoulder as her bangs swung whenever she turned, their blue eyes were alight with happiness as she turned toward me

"Hey you made it!" They squealed before running to give me a life crushing hug

"Yeah I did, what exactly are you doing?" I was genuinely curious to know myself as it wasn't really obvious

"I'm filling in for you!" they told me with that look on her face

"What are you doing?" I asked again with a more firm tone

"Noooooothing!" She replied with a cheeky ass smile on her face, I pushed past her and went to take a look at the whiteboard where I saw what her idea of 'teaching' was

"eheh heh heh" they giggled nervously behind me

"And how is this teaching?" I asked her, pointing at the frog pictures on the whiteboard

"Well I'm teaching them about the frog so it counts as teaching." they said

"Holly this is math not science, it's great you like frogs but thats for science!" I understand she's just trying to help, and yeah I'll admit it was a bit funny but in all seriousness this was a math tutor class not science.

"Think about it this way, they learn extra information!" She said doing mini finger guns trying, to redeem herself.

I sighed to myself in disappoint when one student spoke up

"Actually on the end of year science exam there is a part about frog biology." They said before sitting down

"HAHA! See I told you it'd be useful!" they chuckled to themselves happy to have their point proven. 

I sighed, there was no point in arguing. Just then the bell rang and all the students got up to leave,

"C'mon we should get going" i said to holly, she simply nodded and we headed off to class 

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