t w e n t y t w o

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"Francesca? Amore Mio? Are you awake?" Charles mumbles attempting to wake me up as I bury my face further into his chest and his voice vibrating it.

"hmmm, I don't wanna be" I mumble softly, my voice hardly above a whisper. He chuckles as I feel him pull me closer into his chest and kiss the top of my head.

"i think you'll like this idea though" he chuckles again "how about.....we get dressed, maybe stop by the cafe get some food then go to the pier, and spend the day on the boat, just the two of us? No more drama, no crazy job requests, even if just for a day" he chuckles as I open my eyes and I look up at him, still buried in his arms

"i'd say I'm a very lucky woman Mr. Leclerc" I giggle before he pulls me in for a kiss, we have a moment before pulling away and Charles climbs out of bed leaving me alone under the cold duvet.

"then come on lovely, you gotta get out of bed" Charles chuckles from the foot of the bed as he goes through his closet and grab a change of clothes.

"fine" I pout chuckling as I climb out of bed and wrap my arms around my body as I quietly walk through the bedroom and go up to the dresser and grab a pale blue bandeau bikini with small straps and a v-shaped bikini bottom, I also grab a loose white button down top and a pair of shorts. I walk into the bathroom, leaving Charles in the bedroom before I quickly change and leave the shirt mostly unbuttoned as I tuck it into my shorts before finishing my morning tasks and walking out of the bathroom, tossing my dirty clothes into the laundry bin as I walk back into the bedroom and see Charles talking on the phone. I remain quiet as I walk around the room and grab a tote bag to carry sunscreen, my purse, some towels and anything else we might need on our rare day off.

"you ready to go?" Charles asks me as I grab my pistol off the table and slide it into the bag. I nod in reply before I follow him out of the bedroom. "i had a call with Philipe and Lorenzo just letting them know that we'll be unreachable today" Charles smiles wrapping his arm around my shoulder as we walk down the hallway.

"you're excited about this arent you?" I ask giggling

"its not very often where we have a completely free day off. I'm excited to have you to myself" he chuckles kissing the top of my head as he waves to Mick, Marcus and Arthur all chatting in the foyer.

"demain?" Arthur asks Charles, he nods in reply before bidding farewell to the others in the room as I give them all a smile as Charles leads me out the front door into the front yard, his black Ferrari parked slightly off to the side. He notices the smile on my face as we walk up to the car and I toss my things into the backseat before jumping over the door of the convertible not wanting to open the door, I slightly ungracefully fall into the passenger seat and Charles bursts into laughter.

"youre stuck with me forever love, might as well get used to it" I reply giggling as I slide around in the seat until I'm seated properly and I feel the engine roar to life underneath us as Charles starts the car and pulls out of the driveway and starts driving towards the Marina. I hum along to the quiet music playing through the speakers. I feel the wind blowing through my hair as he drives into the centre of the city. He stops in front of a local cafe before parking the car.

"Give me two minutes" he chuckles leaning over the centre of the console and kissing my cheek before climbing out of the car and running across the street into the cafe. I stay seated comfortably in the car as I enjoy the late morning sun. A few minutes later he walks back over carrying a bag and setting it down next to my feet as he climbs back into the car.

"What did you do?" I ask him chuckling as I look over at him as he starts the car again and continues driving to the pier.

"Just pre-ordered us some snacks and lunch" he smirks over to me as he continues driving resting his hand on my leg. A rare occurrence for the both of us, we have a chance to live in the moment, without the unrealistic expectations of our future looming over the both of us, we get to have a day of peace, and be as normal as we can given our situation.

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