t w e n t y

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The next morning I'm aggressively woken up by Charles alarm as he stressfully runs around the bedroom.

"Charles?" I mumble sleepily as I feel tiredness leave my body and I sit up in bed holding the blankets close to my chest.

"merde, sorry darling. I have an emergency meeting with Pierre in Nice, I'll be back later tonight" he mumbles frantically as he attempts to tie his tie.

"come 'ere" I mumble as I sit up onto my knees and drop the blanket as Charles turns around and walks to the foot of the bed where I'm kneeling on the bed as I tie his tie for him.

"you'll be ok. Stay calm, cool and collected" I giggle sleepily as I finish tying the tie and pull him in for a kiss.

"merci mon amour" he gives me a smile, evidently a bit calmer than before

"i'm sorry to do this, but how about we go out to dinner tonight? Just the two of us?" He asks as he walks around the room again sliding on his shoes and resting his gun in the holster on his hip.

"sounds lovely" I nod with a small smile as he jogs over to me and pulls me in for another heated kiss.

"i love you" he mumbles against my lips with an evident smirk on his face.

"i love you too, be safe" I reply softly as I smooth out the shoulders of his suit jacket.

"i will, I'll see you later tonight" he smiles kissing my forehead quickly before walking out of the room and closing the door softly behind him. I remain silent for a few moments in the room by myself, I gently rub my eyes before standing up and examining my state in front of the mirror, Charles shirt hanging loosely off my frame, my hair a complete mess after attempting to keep it in a top knot sleeping the night before. After a few moments I hear a soft knock at the door.

"entre!" I shout as the door opens and about 4 or 5 women file into the room holding tape measures and one holding a tablet.

"Ms. Gambino! We hope we didn't wake you but Mr. Bianchi sent us to collect measurements for your wedding dress" one of them speaks as they run up to me and immediately start taking all my measures, my wingspan, the length of my legs, the thickness of thighs, my waistline, my bust, my hips, some measurements I didn't realise were necessary for a dress of this calliper.

"Ms, Gambino would you prefer a short or long train?" the women holding the tablet asks as the others take my measurements.

"uhhh, will I have a different dress for the reception?" I ask slightly flustered not expected to having to make decisions this early.

"of course!" She smiles over excitedly, as if she's drank too much coffee for her body to handle.

"then a longer one" I reply softly, feeling a bit uncomfortable and exposed.

"would you prefer a tighter or looser dress?" She asks the next question after a few moments after noting my preference down,

"looser" I reply again

"4 or 6 inch heels?" She asks

"4" I reply.

"lace?" She asks

"minimal" I reply softly, wishing for this to be done as quickly as possible.

The women converse for a few moments in French before all standing

"we've got what we needed, and will be in contact if we have more questions, have a wonderful day Ms. Gambino" she smiles before they all walk out of the room as quickly as they entered.

I feel the nervous energy start building in my body, as I start bouncing on the balls of my feet. I decide to go on a run to release the energy, I quickly change into a sport bra and legging set and tie my hair up in a ponytail before sliding on my sneakers, I grab my phone and headphones before walking out of the house.

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